This was really helpful thank you! X
Hiya. You have to have a cannula in your hand and antibiotics are given via it every X amount of hours (I can’t remember what that is now, I think it was every 3 hours but I could be wrong). Obviously you’re connected to a drip so it’s quite hard to move around while in labour / when going to the toilet etc, you have to take the thing on wheels with you. And then once baby is here, they are checked over and monitored for the first 24 hours. I think a midwife comes round every 2 hours to check baby and record notes. So you’ll have to stay in hospital for the night. I hope that helps. X
Thank you for this! Just wanted to hear people’s experiences xx
Sorry I’m not in this group but it popped up on my feed. I was strep b positive with first birth and had a drip of antibiotics as soon as labour started. It meant I couldn’t do the first parts of labour at home but I didn’t mind. Baby was fine but was just monitored after birth for 24 hours. I think they also gave him antibiotics too as a precaution so that meant a few more heel pricks but other than that he was absolutely fine :) Second baby I wasn’t + when they tested but it can come and go at anytime so I elected to have the antibiotics as a precaution again. Again baby was fine.. they were a bit worried as her temperature was fluctuating but in the end they realised that she was a bit chunky and they weren’t putting the thermometer into her armpit enough to take an accurate reading 😅. Strep b in women is a natural bacteria it’s just unfortunately harmful to babies on the very rare occasion it’s passed on. That’s why the antibiotics are important in labour. I hope that helps