What about gas and spit ups ?
My baby also has hiccups, gas and spit up. I noticed burping him right after he eats is a game changer. My pediatrician suggested we keep him upright for 30-45 kins before putting him down, and that has helped tremendously. I hope this helps!
@Shawna also normal! They are still developing so it’s all an adjustment. My baby had bad reflux at first so we had to burp her half way through her feeding and after she finished her bottle. Also sometimes we’d have to feed her less, but more frequently. So maybe instead of every 3 hrs we’d do every 2 hrs and decrease the amount. As long as your baby is gaining weight and is happy but also if you’re concerned def talk to your pediatrician. I exclusively pump and I did have to change up my diet a little bit
My son had hiccups even before he was born!
@Suzan same! All the time!
My baby had hiccups all the time, as she’s growing (she’s only 3 months) its became less and less. Sometimes I would give her gripe water but overall it’s all normal and a part of healthy growth 🙌🏾