We’re going to in a couple weeks! Have a break in swimming lessons for winter and also heard 3-6M is best. I wanted a proper place that uses a needle, not just the gun at Claire’s. After a bit of research it seems a lot of those (mostly tattoo parlors) have an age minimum for piercing. I ended up reaching out to mum friends in the area who had their babies’ done and it turns out everyone goes to this one lady who does it from her home. So we’re going with her
We’re going to in a couple weeks! Have a break in swimming lessons for winter and also heard 3-6M is best. I wanted a proper place that uses a needle, not just the gun at Claire’s. After a bit of research it seems a lot of those (mostly tattoo parlors) have an age minimum for piercing. I ended up reaching out to mum friends in the area who had their babies’ done and it turns out everyone goes to this one lady who does it from her home. So we’re going with her