Baby’s weight bumming me out
Feeling a bit bummed out. Bub’s weight fell into the 50th percentile at birth (3.68kg) , then he lost about 100g but regained it all by day 7. All to be expected. I was told this was normal. He gained 380g in the last two weeks.
However last two weigh ins he’s fallen into the 25th percentile even though he’s steadily gaining weight. I’m being told it’s normal but I’m still concerned, and feel like I’ve messed up somewhere.
He is pretty much exclusively breastfed.
We introduced formula for a night feed at about week 5 or 6 so my partner could help with feeds. He had diarrhoea while adjusting to it, but seemed to be fine after. I saw the GP about this and they weren’t concerned.
I was 3.2kg when I was born at full term but am definitely taller than average and bigger than average women. Hubby was a chunker as a kid!
Am I bummed out over nothing? I feel like I’ve internalised so much from different people saying I didn’t have enough milk for him in the early stages. Maybe I don’t and should have supplemented sooner. I feed on demand. Should I supplement now? I’m just super bummed out over this.
I know this is easier said than done but if your health professional says it’s ok then try to trust in them. If you have a happy healthy baby then that’s what matters. I have the opposite issue where my LB was born on 9th and finally stopped jumping centiles at 91st. So I feel like during pregnancy somehow he wasn’t able to grow to what he wanted to be. But these babies are clever things, if he wasn’t getting enough milk you’d know about it! He’d be mega unhappy.