Go by corrected age, my boy was born at 35 weeks and hes hitting all his milestones at corrected age or slightly ahead x
My little one was born at 34 weeks and we noticed that he wasn’t as quick to hit milestones as babies born at the same time as him but this is because technically he wasn’t the same age as them due to being premature. One thing I would say is try not to compare to much as all babies are so so different and if you are genuinely concerned you could talk to your local children’s hub about it xx
Yep I went by corrected age x
Thank you ladies! I'm not worried at all, she's perfect in every way & is doing things at her own pace. Just wasn't sure if corrected age was a 'thing' or not. Thank you for replying 😊
My boy was 36weeks too. So far his milestones have been in line with corrected age x