Achey back near kidneys, low down in pelvis and in groin, heavy feeling and just abit achey all over. Needing to pee alot x
@Jodie I feel exactly like this but can’t get a gp appointment until 2nd December and feel silly ringing the triage Mac x
I had one at 14 weeks - horrendous! Had antibiotics and it did clear x
I’ve had three so far whilst pregnant but I get them all the time anyway. Had antibiotics for all three
@Charlotte thats awful, they can get nasty if left untreated. I'd deffo ring up. How do you feel? X
@Callie thats rubbish suppose i am lucky i dont suffer. Think I've caught it just intime. X
Yeah I had one about a month and a half ago got given antibiotics which cleared it, feeling like I have one right now again tho what were your symptoms? X