In the winter we always do long sleep sleepsuits but colder weeks like this week we add long sleeve vest. Feel each baby will be different my little boy loves to be warm and his room is the coldest in the house so he has a long sleeve sleeping bag too
My little one is in a 2.5 and her room is normally around 18-19. I put her in just a long sleeved sleepsuit, no vest underneath, and her temp is always fine like that. I found she wakes more if she's in short sleeves as her arms get very cold!
Thankyou everyone! It’s so contradicting on those charts! Because I thought the same @Tina. I do a baby grow with 2.5tog and colder days with a vest, she’s snug and seems okay just was confused x
Sleep suit and 2.5 if the temp remains above 18. This week we’ve added a long sleeved vest as it went close to 16 degrees one night
@Annie I don’t understand how it says short sleeve for 18-20 degrees, and 2.5 tog (which is what I have as temperature is 19). Surely arms would get really cold overnight in short sleeves? What does your baby wear? Thank you