34 week twins 3lb and 4lb... and no NICU, but did do 10 days on transitional care xx
I had my daughter 30+3 via emergency c section as my waters broke at 28 weeks and I ended up with an infection in my womb. I had the steroid injections when my waters broke and the magnesium just before my c section. She was born 3lb10 and dropped to 3lb2. we spent 30 days in Nicu was discharged 34+5 when she took to feeding without a tube. NEXT do nice 3lb+ baby clothes xx
Waters broke 23 weeks went into hospital they stopped it and gave some injections. Had pains again and they induced baby boy came
He's 9 months today and nearly 6 months corrected age
Born at 31+4 and was 1.73kg. Very minimal assistance needed, mostly just feeding tube and waiting to gain weight. Home after 3 weeks in NICU/SCBU. Now 16 months and thriving.
Spontaneous labour at 28+4 born via emergency c-section 2lb11 at birth 8 weeks in nicu now nearly 7 months old weighs 15 lb 1 oz
My little one was born from spontaneous labour at 25weeks weighing 765g or 1lbs 6oz after 15 weeks in NICU he came home weighing 5lbs 7oz and had regular appointments with a dietitian to help with his continued weight gain
Water broke and went into spontaneous labour within two days of that at 31 weeks baby boy was born weighing 1.5kg, was in NICU for 3 weeks as needed to put in more weight other than that he didn’t need much help but now he’s 1 years old and just doing amazing! Never fails to make me proud is so intelligent and inquisitive! Wouldn’t change a thing even after all the worry and uncertainty during his birth x
33 weeks unexpected delivery due to reduced fetal movements and dipping heart rate. Emergency scan revealed no fluid around baby and placenta not working correctly. Around 2lb at birth
I had my little girl at 36+4 spontaneous labour. She was boring weighing 5lbs 5oz. Make sure to have plenty of tiny baby clothes and size 0 nappies x