Plum organic might puffs, happy baby snackers, earths best crunchy sticks, little bellies apple cinnamon puffs,happy baby tether crackers, plum teensy snacks (soft fruit snacks), one upon a farm puffs. As you can see my girls a snacker! 😆
She’s been loving super thick oatmeal and cut up strawberries. I try and give her something substantial as we’ve been weaning bottles (she has. A bottle before all sleeps, now down to just two). We also like PB toast, frozen yogurt (freeze smushed fruit and yogurt into these molds, then you can insert the frozen yogurt cube into this hand held thing she can gnaw at). We also like mozzarella, fruit, ritz crackers, gram crackers.
@Kayley how old is you lo? I stopped using the holder thing after my baby got teeth but just saw it again in the bin recently I could still use it maybe
@Melissa she’s 13 months but only has 4 teeth!
Bamba penut puffs Yummi puffs with strawberry and basil All type of cheese cubes