Toddler barely eating

My 2 year olds appetite is basically gone, she used to eat a lot more but ever since she caught a cold a few weeks ago she has stopped eating much. All she had today was a little bit of cereal, then a for snack 2 cheese sticks and 2 small oranges. For lunch we offered some fish fingers and some left overs and she just had one fish finger and a bit of the left overs and then before bed she had 2 hard boiled eggs and 2 yogurts and refused everything else. Do you guys have any advice pls
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Kids tend to do that when they aren’t feeling the greatest. I’d just make sure they have lots of fluids and keeping offering different foods or maybe even their favorites. When my daughter is sick, we try to give her protein shakes or pediasure just to keep nutrients going in her

She will be back to normal as soon as she feels better

This is my daughter’s standard appetite! 😅😅

@Katie thank you for the advice

@Amy tbh I wouldn’t normally worry much about it as she’s very active and looks well but my husbands family loves to point out how skinny she is and it’s lowkey starting to make me question if maybe I’m not feeding her enough

I’m with you, I hate the stress of it too. However, you can’t make them eat and as long as you’re continuing to offer food (alongside their safe foods), which I’m sure you’re doing, then try not to worry. They won’t starve themselves! Hopefully her appetite will come back soon

When my kid is feeling poorly I focus on getting liquid calories in her. Her appetite will come back as she feels better.

Don’t worry about what your in-laws think! Every kid is different and if her pediatrician isn’t worried about weight then don’t worry. No one wants to eat when they don’t feel well anyway. I mean I have a nephew who is super thin (almost 2 and still in 24m clothing because he’s a stick but tall) and he doesn’t even eat much when he isn’t sick and the pediatrician isn’t worried so I’m sure your daughter is fine! Her appetite will come back once she feels better! Heck my daughter eats everything in the house once she feels better to make up for it

@Anna will do, thank you !

@Katie yeah her paediatrician said her weight is great for her age She is also on 12-18/18-24 months clothing and I have nothing to worry about, I hate how much they love to push their opinion on me lol.

I would just ignore them then! Or just tell them she’s fine

@Katie I do😂 I even asked them to stop commenting on her weight but my mil loves to make sly comments to other ppl when they’re around and it happened so many times that it made me think that maybe I was in denial lol which is why I took her to see her paediatrician.

MILs can be the worst 🙄

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