Failed induction??

I had a balloon induction yesterday but it had to get removed after an hour as babies heart rate went too high. I’ve been waiting nearly 24 hours now in the hospital to hear what’s going to happen. I’m 41 weeks today and so fed up. Has anyone had a similar experience?
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Happened to me but I lost my show hours later and had my water broke the next morning then 24 hours later she was born

@Jen ahh okay! I’ve had two sweeps last week, lost my show last Monday. Had 0 twinges or contractions, had a sweep Thursday then lost more show and no contractions, balloon in yesterday, taken out after an hour and had two sweeps today and still nothing 😂😂

I had failed balloon and pessary induction , sweeps, waters broken for me & ended up with sepsis and emergency section. Was in hospital during the entire process

I had a failed pessary induction, I wasn't dilated enough for the ballon so they had to really stretch me, then used the ballon. 12 hours in babies heart rate was far too high and was on my way for an emergency section but her heart rate stabilised. That night they tried to break my waters twice and couldn't. Ended up doing damage to my cervix. Was meant to get a section the next morning and the consultant decided to try and break my waters again. He succeeded. 9 hours into active labour another consultant decided I hadn't progressed enough even though things were going good and her baseline heart rate raised from 120/125 to 130/135. Ended up going for an emergency section. This process took 4 days. Then stayed 4 days in hospital after section. 8 days in total in hospital. Since a week postpartum I've had a badly infected wound, and looking at being opened up again to clean out the infection. Said the infection likely started before I even left the hospital. Currently 23 days pp.

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