Hi All
My daughter is 4 years old. Since February this year, she has been complaining of pain when she goes for a wee.
We spent several months going back and forth to the GP with urine samples, being prescribed antibiotics despite no sign of infection in the samples, before eventually a GP said we can't keep prescribing antibiotics when there's no infection. At this point she was referred to paediatric nephrology for tests.
This was in September and so far she has been checked for the following;
Ultrasound scan of bladder and kidneys, to rule out a bladder reflux, all looks absolutely fine.
Several water samples taken and sent off for culturing. All fine apart from her urine being very diluted. She only drinks water (and occasionally milk), following discussions with the doctor, we were advised she drinks too much water throughout the day. So she has had a water deprivation test to ensure she doesn't have diabetes insipidus, test was stopped early as the results quickly determined that her body could concentrate urine and was responding as it should when dehydrated.
She was told to drink cranberry juice with breakfast every morning, to see if it helped. She did this for a month, it made no difference, still hurting when she wees.
We've been asked to monitor and reduce her daily water intake, which we have done now for over 3 weeks. She's drinking a lot less and is still in pain when she wees.
Doctos have also ruled out threadworm.
She says it hurts inside when she wees, often holding her lower tummy.
She's previously been prescribed Hydrocortisone Cream to apply on the external skin but there's no sign of any redness or problems with the skin (and we were told to stop applying after 2 weeks anyway.)
After the water deprivation test, the nephrology team have basically said they'll see her in March 2025 with a look to discharge her, having to actually found what's causing the pain.
She's only 4 years old, she's had this now for 10 months, all I can do is tell her what a brave girl she is and that the doctors are trying to make it better for her.
She woke for a week around an hour ago, told me it really hurt. So I'll be ringing the GP on Monday and insist she be seen. When I told her I'll take her to the doctor, she said and tell them they need to make me some new medicine to make it better.
I suppose the reason for my post is
1. To vent because she's 4 years old and I can't imagine what it must be like having pain every time she wees.
2. As a parent feeling extremely helpless because all I can do is try to reassure her and tell her how brave she is and to keep telling me when it hurts.
3. Ask has anyone been through this either themselves or with their child?
4. Any suggestions on what to do next?
Thank you for reading.
We have had issues with constipation and I’ve had a couple of occasions where she stated she can’t wee as it’s sort but it’s actually a poo thing and that when she has a pop it feels better. The dT days it can be a bit confusing to identify which body part hurts