PS when we went through this earlier in the year it turned out our little one had a sore throat and we were given a throat spray for him. So if your little one really won't eat or drink anything it could be worth investigating that.
@Sophie thanks so much 😘
We went through this at the weekend. I wouldn't bother tricking him into eating - sometimes when they're ill they just don't have an appetite and that's ok, they can go a while without food. Drink is trickier as obviously you do want to get fluids in. I found my little one wasn't very interested in water but would (sometimes) take milk from a cup, or bizarrely off a spoon, or from his bottle when he was sleepy. You could try juice even if you don't normally give it as sometimes they like that better. I didn't get as far as trying it but some people find their little ones will have ice lollies. My little boy was happily eating watermelon even when he wouldn't touch anything else so that could be worth a try, or any food with a high water content such as cucumber. Good luck!