@Lucy it’s so hard isn’t it! What foods are you trying with?xx
My guy is 18 months old He loads up his spoon with the food then picks it off and eats off it that way 🤣🤣🤣 They’ll do it when they’re darn good and ready hahaha
I always put cutlery on her plate but she just throws it on the floor as if to say whats that doing in my dinner. If I give her a pre loaded spoon she’ll have that one spoon then throw it. She prefers to eat with her hands 🙈. I’ve read they don’t usually start attempting cutlery until around 18 months as it’s an advanced skill so I’m not too worried. All meal times are just very messy, we’ve done blw since 6 months
Yes mine does, sometimes he uses the spoon backwards but still manages to get food on it and in his mouth 🤷♀️ think it’s just one of those they do it when they are ready. He has been trying to load it himself in the last week or two sometimes very unsuccessfully but he understands how it works. Some days it all just ends up on the floor 😅
My lo can’t scoop with a spoon yet but will feed himself yogurt on a pre loaded spoon xx
Yoghurt is really the only thing we use a spoon for else it gets launched everywhere! She understands now to put the spoon in the yog pot for more but doesn’t actually get any on it and then mostly misses her mouth but points for getting the concept ha
My LO can use a spoon with thick yoghurt or fromage frais in the small container but when it’s in a bigger bowl it’s harder for him to scoop. He also misses his mouth sometimes lol it’s messy messy work. I’m going to try and just suck it up and offer more opportunities for practice
We are trying here! With a little bit of help she’s getting some, but most n the floor…