
Hi, I had a miscarriage in September so I'm really worried about trying again. On Wednesday I had a wee and wiped blood. I'm not due on yet. I was 10dpo so done a test and had a faint positive line. The blood has since stopped and I done 2 tests today and both negative and the digital one and it says "not pregnant" idk I just feel sad. I thought I was as I had a positive but then had some random blood and now I'm not. My miscarriage in September was quite bad and I ended up going septic so I'm now worrying again 😪 I don't know what to think. Just any words of wisdom to help me please xxx
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I'm so sorry you had to go through this. No words of wisdom from me really, just wanted to say I hear you and what you are experiencing is probably normal. After I had my miscarriages, especially my first one, it took a while to get back to normal and I was breeding randomly. It's was all out of whack. My advice would be to visit your OBGYN (one you trust) and have another check. Personally I didn't know what was going on until we found out, that there was scar tissue left from the D&C and I had to have a hysteroscopy. I wish you all the best and I hope for you to have another little one soon! 🙏🏻

Hiya, thankyou for replying to me 💖 I had a check etc after I went septic and was monitored closely to make sure all tissue was gone. With scans and swabs, I've had 2 periods since which where both on time and normal, so I'm just so confused on a positive test and 2 days later a negative 😔 I'm so sorry you've had miscarriages too, life just isn't fair💔 xxxx

I'm sorry that's still going on for you! The tests are definitely confusing. I'm sure your body is just as confused as you are. Daily walking cleared my head and got my blood flow going. Maybe you can try that. 💞 Otherwise your body might just need a bit more time.

Maybe test again in a few days. It might just take a few more days. One my pregnancies which ended in a miscarriage I didn’t get a positive until 5 days after my missed period. Keep hope 🤞🏽

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