You can’t potty train for night time.
@N 💞 maybe you can't but it's very possible.
@Janicee of course, but it’s more often than not a hormonal change, so not something you can teach. I’m just saying don’t stress about needing nappies on at nighttime.
@N 💞 you can teach by waking them up in the middle of the night to go potty . Not stressing about it at all. I'm super happy that he's at the level he's already at. I was just stating he's not fully potty trained , he's more than half way there 😁
@Bréa how did you potty train at such a young age? Does your little one tell you everytime they have to go or do they have any accidents during the day?
@Janicee waking them in the middle of the night sounds like hell on earth 😖
@Kathy let say I cheated to be honest 🤣 I didnt toilet train my son he did it himself 😅 So to be more clear my son would let us know "poo" was coming, he was aware of the feeling before pooping because he hated the feeling of a dirty nappy, so I just told him that if he wanted he could poo in toilet ( I didnt know toilet trainning could be so early so I wasnt ready had no potty no reward nothing) And he was pooping in the toilet, when I realised that I decided to remove fully nappy in daytime (kept it for nap the first day) and just spend a whole week following him super closely listening very carefully to him and most often he would say "pee" when already peeing. So we always told him it was ok lets try and do it in toilet next time and very quickly he was more aware of the feeling before being we also were more aware (crossing legs, pressing his penis ect) and its less than a week rare were the accidents(maybe 1/per day in evening hell forgot to mention he need to pee maybe due to tiredness), also (1)
@N 💞 mine wakes up, go pee and goes back to sleep...but hey every kid isn't like mine so do what's best for your household.
During the first day I realise he was dry when waking up from nap time so we stopped nappy at night, I think what helped me is that 1st he was ready and second I knew nothing about toilet training so just went with the flow😅 Now for the last 2 weeks we have realised that if he has a good night he is actually dry in the morning (unfortunately our little lad has sleep apnea and is awaiting on a surgery in the coming years when he will reach a desired weight so the many wakes per nights make it very hard for him not to pee at night witch is not really a problem in itself as I always believed before that kids were potty trained too early because of the school and it was so unfair so I was planning onto letting my son go over 3+ years with nappy to dont make him feel forced 🙈)
The 79 percent no is making me feel so much better. My little girl has no interest in the potty. She is super smart but just doesn’t want to sit on it long enough to go. She’s too busy. I put training underwear on her during the day but she just pees in them and continues on with her day. Doesn’t even care that she’s wet 😫 starting to think I will need more of a reward than a sticker chart. The only success I’ve had is when I get lucky by putting her on the potty right at the right time.
@Molly do not feel bad about your situation, totally normal to still be in nappies at 2! This is just an unnecessary bragging post!
@Molly there is absolutely no need to panic, before having my son I was planning onto leaving my son in nappy until around age 3-5 as I always thought having to potty train them for school is so mean, like we should wait for them to be ready, they have soo much already that they learn everyday lets not stress them about the toilet! And even more soooo young ! Now if they are ready its a different story, like some kids walk at 9 months some at 18 months they all develop at their rhythm
Our little one has been toilet trainned for 4 months, he still pee some nights in the nappy but thats 100% normal