Does your toddler eat in their high-chair or booster?

My toddler absolutely refuses to sit in her high chair or booster chair to eat meals. She’s 18 months old. Curious if this is normal? I don’t know how to rectify it! She just screams when I try to put her in the chair or smaller booster chair. She likes to eat in her tower or stand beside her little table and I feel guilty!
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Mine is a free range baby!!

@Jade LOL I love this term!

I agree with @Jade. Mine stopped sitting on the chair since she turned 1.

Highchair I've given all snacks/ meals at the highchair so I think that may be why

Highchair for main meals

All my sons meals were and always had been in his high chair, we discovered one day he eats better when he’s not in it!

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