Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

19 weeks with second pregnancy with anterior placenta and I don’t feel the baby at all 😢 anxious

19 weeks with second pregnancy with anterior placenta and I don’t feel the baby at all 😢 anxious as hell, is anyone feeling the same? This gets me worried if the baby is fine or not😭 have anatomy scan this Thursday praying for a happy healthy baby 🙏


Anyone have NIPT for gender be wrong ?

I did NIPT and I got female but the fetal fraction was really low at only 3.2% , my boys was always 7% and above and also I did sneak peek at 9 weeks and it said boy , I did SNAP! The hands free device which sneak peak says little to no male contamination


Breach baby

I’m 27 +3 when should I start worrying about my baby being breach? He’s very low down too so feel kicks hard in my bladder and lower stomach!! First time mum so no idea haha!


Gestational diabetes test!

I was wondering how long it took for your results to come back? I had them done Friday morning and heard nothing at all! I’m guessing that’s a good thing? 🤷🏽‍♀️


More anxious second pregnancy?

Hi This will be my second pregnancy, my son is almost 1 and a half. I was a bit anxious during my pregnancy with him and I ended up booking a few private reassurance scans in-between the NHS ones. This time however I'm so full of anxiety it's literally consuming me 😫 I'm only 5 weeks, I have an early scan booked…


Fussy Baby

Anyone experiencing super fussiness around the 9 week mark?


Gestational hypertension

Was diagnosed with gestational hypertension at 28 weeks and was sent to the maternity center for monitoring. I was told that I’ll need to monitored weekly. I feel stress and I don’t know if that is causing me to have higher readings. Any recommendations are welcome. I’ll dislike to have to be admitted to the hospita...


If you were going through a particularly stressful time when pregnant, did you notice any impact with your baby (positive or negative)?

I’m worried that because I’m experiencing a lot of stress with my second pregnancy that it’s affecting my unborn baby negatively. I do try to destress as much as possible but l am struggling to regulate my emotions. Any advice welcome 🤗



Anyone else have a anterior placenta? Only feeling a few kicks here and there with my first lots more by now just wondering when it starts feeling for prominent


Blood pressure

My blood pressure has been raised for my past three midwife appointments. Today it was 138/96 and I'm being sent for some further monitoring at the hospital. Just wondering if anyone knows what this actually means? All I understand is that it's higher than it should be, but don't quite understand if it's serious. ...


Worried about everything

Hi, I'm a constant worrier and have had therapy beforehand, I miscarried in December and got pregnant instantly afterwards, I'm nearly 6 weeks pregnant and want to stop googling everything I do to see if I've hurt anything


2nd trimester sickness

Finally reached the 13week mark today and officially in second trimester. I was hoping for a miracle that the morning sickness would just stop.😅 I’ve hardly ate anything since the start of December, and have lost 3kg in that time. I’m getting little bits down myself but even water is coming up sometimes. I’ve been…


GD test

Being tested tomorrow for diabetes as my brother is type 1 (cheers mate 😎😂) but I feel like I’m the complete opposite where I get shakey and hot and faint if I don’t eat enough! What a time


When should I worry?

I lost baby mid November and had a DNC to make sure everything was gone. Was told to wait 3 cycles before trying again. Well we had a couple opposes and did not use protection. I am three days late for my second period after DNC. I do have some stress with family stuff and our one year old just had a scope done. So ...



I’m 24 almost 25 weeks and I’ve been dealing with bad headaches , shortness of breath, dizziness, seeing stars for the last two months . I’ve gone into my small towns ob office countless times in the two months but they refuse to do any urine testing for protein as my bp “ seems fine “ I haven’t had a single urine t...


First time soon to be mom

Is anyone else getting kind of nervous as the date gets closer? I’m 35 weeks and every cramp or symptom I feel, I get scared it’s labor and then I immediately feel panicked and not ready! Even though I have everything I need and I also have taken classes and educated myself. I’m just getting nervous for it to happen...


Anxiety second pregnancy

Anyone else just super anxious this time round. Can’t shake it off at all. I thought I would be able to feel baby by now second pregnancy I’m 17 weeks 2 days but I’ve felt nothing and it’s that horrible time where you can’t feel them and won’t see baby until 20 week scan and I hate it. Also feel like I can’t rest ...


12 weeks 6 days

any guesses please? c


Feeling overwhelmed

I just feel like I’m going to explode, I feel my baby everywhere in my tummy, I hope she is not so big right now, I’m tired and over but she doesn’t want to come yet 😫😫 I can barely sleep, move around just want my body back and her in my arms , feeling like is gonna last forever this pregnancy but so scared of…


Nausea in second trimester

Is anyone else experiencing nausea? I’m 19 weeks now and still don’t have a day go by where I don’t feel sick at some point. I have stopped being sick, but the nausea is still there! I’m still not eating properly or putting on any of the weight I lost in the first trimester. Anyone else?


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