Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
Does everyone get offered a glucose test, or are they only offered to those considered high risk for gestational diabetes? My midwife hasn't mentioned anything to me about this.
Does anyone else struggle to do a urine sample? The pots are so small and I can barely see past my bump!
Does any other moms have this type of placenta I was told it’s normal?
Hi guys, My step dad and I are going to the cinema tomorrow and I am 32 weeks pregnant will it be safe or what? I’m not sure if I’m overthinking it all
Ladies, please tell me I’m not the only one who’s been to triage lots? Feel like an absolute idiot when I go and everything is ok but I’m terrified of something being wrong. I’ve always been honest with why I’m there and if after calling the movements started etc but I’ve had remarks about “oh you’ve been here a l...
32 weeks pregnant on Tuesday and haven’t been offered the glucose test is this normal? Does everyone get it?
Anyone else have low papp-a in this pregnancy or previous pregnancies? Just had the call after having bloods taken last week to be told i have low papp-a. Any advice?
I don’t think I can see a clear nub here. I’m 13w2d. Does anyone know skull theory? Any guesses as to gender? I’m so impatient! 🩵🩷
Hi I’m currently 10 days PP and still feeling tearful, anxious and sometimes I worry I miss my old life or when I was pregnant more rather then now he is her and this scares me. Is this PND or just usual baby blues ? Any tips ?
Just wondering if anyone else has had this ... I feel the midwife is in the wrong here, what do you think? Firstly I don't really believe in BMI, I know it is essentially nonsense and a useless metric so I'm not upset by this, but just pissed off. I was weighed at my booking appointment and all good, BMI normal. I...
I have so much anxiety about being pregnant again this soon. I’m torn between going through with the pregnancy and not😭 , especially because I had a c-section…I have the support around me but Mentally this is a lot for me to take in.. I’m just trying to make peace with it.
I have the glucose test this week. Anyone know what to expect and what happens? Feeling nervous
Hello ladies, I am pregnant with my rainbow baby, 2 months after I lost my first. I found out on Christmas Eve (12/24/24) via home test. I was wondering if anyone else has/had experienced fears or worries while pregnant the 2nd time around after a loss?? Please do not misunderstand me, I am very happy and excited th...
Can't beleive the end is near.. I'm like a big fat weeble (if anyone knows what one of them are 🤣) 37 weeks on Wednesday but my baby has turned breech so need a section will find out today when I go in may be even this week as I'm high risk and they don't want me to go over 37/38weeks x
Anyone taken a Dollar tree pregnancy test and are they accurate?
Hi! I had my baby via emergency c-section on December 11th. But at Xmas week i started having heart arrhythmias I thought it was going to go away within the days but i still have it. I have them a lot during the day. Specially when im cleaning or walking. (Being active). I cut off caffeine thinking it was that. And...
Just thought I would share this article. Apparently, some studies show that eating dates can shorten your length of labor and help soften your cervix. So if you like dates, it might be worth a try! https://www.webmd.com/baby/eating-dates-health-benefits-while-pregnant
But still no baby and no signs of Labour. Happy due date to me… but where is my baby 😒 Really wanted to avoid intervention at all cost but starting to get paranoid now about whether I feel him moving enough, itchy skin etc. I don’t know this is very stressful to know what to do
I’m nervous I just want to be healthy any tips
Is anyone else struggling with nausea/sickness? Have you found anything to help ease it🤞🏼 I didn’t experience any during the first trimester with my daughter but this time it’s really wiping me out 😅