Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Glucose test results

How long did it take to find out if you have gestational diabetes? Had the test this morning and haven’t heard anything so hoping no news is good news!


Pregnant with twins

I’m only 23 weeks and I’m already so uncomfortable :( !!!



Hey all just looking for some reassurance - I work in quite a large team at work and announced to them all today about my pregnancy. I had already told the relevant managers and my team leaders who were slightly shocked as I only started at the end of September but mainly happy / excited for me. I decided to a...


NIPT Bloodwork

Did your Dr have you fast? With my first I didn’t fast and they’re having me do so this time which sucks 😭🤢


Nub theory

Due date 18th July, any thoughts on baby 2….. just so curious 🩷💙


Eating dates for labour

Is anyone eating dates to help with labour. How many are you having a day? I'm 37 weeks and already had enough of them 😂


Birth plan

At what week appt do we discuss with midwife? X


Second baby , mum guilt

I've got a little girl she was 2 in October and I'm due a baby boy start of April, im so worried she will feel left out I'm trying to do as many activities and days out before baby arrives just us two before she has to share mummy, is anyone in the same situation I'm having a planned c section so I know the date he ...


NIPT test?

Hi ladies, anyone take the NIPT Test yet? How long did it take for you to receive your results? I want to plan my gender reveal but need a general idea of how long it can take


GD readings

I’ve not had anything to eat/drink this morning since waking up, I tested at home and was 5.8 I’ve driven into work and my readings are now higher. How is that possible?


Back to back

Hi, I was told yesterday that my baby is back to back and I’ve spent the night freaking out about it and feeling so incredibly guilty and blaming myself for lounging so much🥺 I’m 37 weeks. This is my first baby, and I’m already terrified enough about labour so this has just added to the fear😭 Please can anyone…


Driving Test

Guys I have my driving test tomorrow & I’m terrified what advice do you have what did everyone fail on, best tips for passing??


Early gender testing!!

Has anyone used this? If so, was it accurate??



Those who were diagnosed with preeclampsia and did the 24hr urine test, what were your results?


Anxious about baby not sticking

Hi guys! I've been having bad anxiety about this baby not sticking and was wondering if you have any ideas on how I can reassure myself. If you take another pregnancy would the line darkness be an indicator? Doc won't see me until 8 week mark and I'm at 5. I have zero symptoms and this is my first ever pregnancy aft...


Tested for diabetes again

Has anyone been tested again after the first time because of sugar in wee well I had a donut before my appointment and sugar in my urine and now they think I’ve got gd can anyone help me Out here to understand x


New mom

For the glucose test has anybody did an alternative like jellybeans?


20 weeks today with my Babygirl 💕

I finally hit my 20 week mark and I been feeling her little movements for a minute , how does eveyone feel I’m anxious to see how she doing everytime is anyone also having high blood pressure during their pregnancy?


low blood pressure??

hi friends! anyone else experiencing low blood pressure?? i had preeclampsia with my first pregnancy but today i kept feeling like i was gonna pass out when i stood for too long. long story short i went to my OB and she said what i was experiencing was the opposite of preeclampsia and am having low blood pressure ...


Sugar in urine tests but two negative diabetes tests?

Anyone else have sugar in their urine test but not have GD? I redid the GD test last week and results came back normal again but had sugar again at my midwife appt yesterday. The midwife told me it's not to do with what I've eaten recently but then I'm confused. We have been doing house renovations so I've eaten mor...


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