Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

I’ve lost a week

In my head I’ve been thinking I’m 36weeks on Friday, I’ve come to realise today that I’m actually 37 weeks on Friday and we move house 2 weeks on Saturday and not 3 weeks on Saturday like I thought🤣 I’ve also been saying since June last year that I’ll go into labour on a snowy day so I’m absolutely bricking it🤣 I’m…


Anyone else the same?

I’m 8 weeks today and seen baby for first time and everything looks fine but honestly feel so down and worried. I can’t get out of bed most days I feel so tired and sick, my mind is constantly racing with worry I dread the 12 week scan as I’ve previously had 5 miscarriages before so feel like I can’t attach and get ...


Failed glucose test

I barely failed the glucose test (141 and the cutoff for my office is 139). I’m dreading the 3 hour test-should I just advocate for finger pricks? I really don’t think 2 points off is that concerning?! Anyone have insight?


At home Glucose test

Hi, has anyone done the at home Glucose test to test for Gestational Diabetes?


Any guesses? 💙🩷

I’m struggling to see a nub on this one, anyone have any guesses with any theory? 13w3d - thank you🩷💙


Glucose test😩🤰🏻

I’ve got my new date through for my glucose test now I’ve changed hospitals…46 days and counting😩🤰🏻


Severe SPD

Hello I’m 31 weeks 2mor and been suffering with really bad spd in this pregnancy which is my 3rd pregnancy, I’ve tried hot baths , paracetamol, hot water bottles , physically can’t move my partner or grand parents have to take my kids to and from school , any other suggestions


Gender Guesses 👶🏻

Anyone good at guessing the nub theory?? 🥰 (13 week scan)


Anyone else do a sneak peak test?

I just got my results and don’t wanna get too excited in case it’s wrong😩


Am I crazy?!!!!

Currently 4 months PP and looks like baby number 2 is on the way!! Mixture of emotions right now .. any of other mommas in a similar position? Or if anyone has been through this any advice would be appreciated x


Glucose test

Bit nervous about this happening in 2 weeks. Positive stories? I’m emetophobic 🙃


Worried about foods and drinks I've had whilst unaware I was pregnant.

Just found out im almost 5 weeks pregnant today, and now im worrying about the fact I've had Deli meats, Alcohol, Medium rare beef, Pineapples, Smoked salmon Ibuprofen, Lightly cooked egg yolk and tuna sushi! How concerned should I be? :(


Does anyone else feel like their emotions are all over the place in the third trimester?

I have been feeling a lot of anxiety and some depression recently the past month. Sometimes something or someone triggers me and I immediately start crying and I just get in a depressive state. This does not normally occur for me but during my third trimester it has been happening a lot. Any tips on handling anxiety...



Is anyone else experiencing extreme pregnancy rage? Idk if mine is from stress aortic anxiety but its to the point it feels like its effecting baby. What can even be done for it?


Do you have white coat syndrome?

I definitely do. I had my yearly well visit and meditation management appointment today (got me a new fancy Retin-A script). I knew I would need blood work done and getting my Tdap booster and I have an irrational fear of needles. So I was low key freaking out. My BP was 138/94 when they took it. Which is boarderlin...


Tiny belly at 35 weeks:(

Just visited my midwife today for measurements etc. It turns out that my belly is size of 30week, that’s a big drop. I know the measurements are not that accurate but still is a massive difference and I’m getting worried that baby will be very small or won’t have enough waters to move soon or won’t be developing pro...



I’m craving a curry but I tend to get very anxious about food poisoning. Can anyone weigh in to sense check myself? Would you order curry in the first trimester? Am I being silly or rightly cautious?


Separation anxiety

In the first few weeks of being pregnant I got asked to be a part of a friend’s wedding 5 weeks after my little one’s due date. I found out later that the wedding is child free so my little one and partner are unable to attend. The thing is that even though I had an emergency C section (still on blood thinners and ...


Are you receiving ugly comments about being fat during pregnancy?

Please give other advice / answers so far since I workout I said, what do you expect? That I am in my most fitness version? I am pregnant!



I feel like I’m doing it wrong. I see so many mums doing BLW but I’m really struggling to do this. My LG is 7 months now & I’ve been doing purées with the occasional cucumber stick etc - this is only when my partner is around. My little girl chocked when she was younger & stopped breathing when we gave her some medi...


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