Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
I used to drink electrolytes & greens before I was pregnant because they really helped with fatigue, now that I am getting towards the end of my pregnancy the fatigue is REAL! Does anyone know if electrolytes are ok to take when pregnant?
19+1. Couldn’t manage to get a potty shot. Any predictions with skull theory?
Just saw that everyone was posting 1 month so I'm a little bit late! 12/7
My due date is January 23 Starting to feel a bit anxious & scared Yet Super excited I am laying in bed now until I doze off while my boy kicks up a storm 🙃 Anyways I’ve had a pretty good pregnancy can’t complain and I have felt great still feel pretty good minus the lower back pain mainly on my right side…
I’m 15 years old and I’m a new mom I’ve been having so much anxiety on the epidural should I get it ?? the needle is so long and that’s what’s making me have so much anxiety I don’t want to go through the pain on getting it then it not work what should I do?
Hi girls, my next midwife appointment is on Friday, I will be exactly 37 weeks. My last appointment was at 34 weeks and the position of my baby wasn’t mentioned, and I didn’t think to ask. I feel like she is certainly head-up as under my ribs is solid but the bottom of my belly has returned to being flabby. Has anyo...
I need some advice. I’m on pregnancy #2 and am having some PTSD about my first pregnancy that didn’t go well. To make a long story short, my job (my business that I own) is really stressful sometimes and people can just be really awful. How do you deal with the stress, stay calm and do your best to enjoy your pregna...
I’m no good at doing these myself but I know some people are great! I have a theory….just want to see if people agree!
My first pregnancy i did it at 12+2 and got conclusive results this time im 10+4 and feeling a bit more impatient this time around and want to go sooner but dont want to get inconclusive results and have to redo it. My bmi is pretty high and is like a 46.
It took me & my partner 3 years to conceive, we lost 3 babies and have really struggled to get our rainbow baby, but we’re here at 34 weeks and it still doesn’t feel real. I am so so scared I’m going to struggle mentally after, I’ve been on such a rollercoaster and have fought so so hard to get here I’m scared that ...
I was given the AgaMatrix testing kit and my readings have been all over the place. With the same pricked blood I can get a 20.6 reading and a 7.1. I decided to use one from work to test with the same blood my reading was 5.9. I am absolutely fuming and quite upset because this has literally been giving me panic a...
Hello just looking for some advice/reassurance really!! I’ve had my anaesthetics appointment today and I feel so deflated coming out of it. I have this appointment due to a raised bmi but aside from my bmi I have had a perfectly healthy textbook pregnancy so thought this appointment would be very relaxed. Instead it...
Did anyone get diarreah after their test ?
i’m around 9 weeks, but my insurance doesn’t kick in until Feb 1st shall i be okay not seeing a doctor for over a month? i think it’s more of a worry since it’s my first time being pregnant or maybe just my emotions feeling jittery but i also just feel okay!
Had my Down syndrome test back and results was a lot higher chance than with my 1st. Still classed as a lower chance with NHS so they won’t offer NIPT test so I’ve booked privately. Can anyone share same experience?
What was everyone’s EFW at 34 weeks? (Or around 34 weeks)
I had a glucose test done around 14 weeks per OBGYN orders. I passed it. Now they want me to get another one done at 28 weeks. I'm frustrated but do you think if I passed the first one that I'll pass this one too?
In my head I’ve been thinking I’m 36weeks on Friday, I’ve come to realise today that I’m actually 37 weeks on Friday and we move house 2 weeks on Saturday and not 3 weeks on Saturday like I thought🤣 I’ve also been saying since June last year that I’ll go into labour on a snowy day so I’m absolutely bricking it🤣 I’m…
I’m 8 weeks today and seen baby for first time and everything looks fine but honestly feel so down and worried. I can’t get out of bed most days I feel so tired and sick, my mind is constantly racing with worry I dread the 12 week scan as I’ve previously had 5 miscarriages before so feel like I can’t attach and get ...
I barely failed the glucose test (141 and the cutoff for my office is 139). I’m dreading the 3 hour test-should I just advocate for finger pricks? I really don’t think 2 points off is that concerning?! Anyone have insight?