Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Pregnancy 1 after the other.

We’ve just found out we are pregnant again! We took precautions however baby seemed to have slipped through the cracks😂 has anyone had a baby and a few months later caught pregnant again? I’m 5months postpartum 😩 worried about risks etc!


IM PREGNANT with baby No.2!

Just did a test earlier today and am shocked to find im pregnant! Not expected at all and still processing it but I am so nervous. My son will be 29 months old so well into his terrible two's. Someone please reassure me it will be okay 😭


Moral support and experience of high BP

Hi Ladies, I am looking for anyone who has had a similar experience with your thoughts and coping mechanism for you and your partner. I went for a midwife appointment today. My BP reading was high 3 times, so she sent me to triage as it has been going up in the last few appointments. Obviously, I would rather be s...


Gestational Diabetes

Hiya, presuming most of you have had/or will have the test? I did mine last week (Tuesday) and was told given the size of my bub, I might have diabetes (eye roll). Anyways it’s been a week and the hospital has not called, I’ve chased, nothing. Surely they would call if I was positive….right? I want to know if I c...


Not sure if I sound crazy here ?!!

So before having baby I’m used to sitting in dark room (not depressing vibes, just cosy vibes, candles, little side lamp) I really cannot bare natural light! Always been this way. Soon as my partner opens the blinds I literally have a melt down cos I can see all the dust/marks all over the house and it drives me ins...


Reassurance needed please..

I live in Florida and I’ve lived in my apartment for two years. My baby is 6 months old. It’s really cold tonight so I decided to turn the heater on and it was only on for about 5 seconds, started smelling like a fire so I immediately turned it off. Idk if I have a gas or electric heater but now I’m paranoid and can...


Nub theory help me solve this!

Hey yall so I went to the OB today and I explained my nub theory loophole ( looks like a little mountain if it’s a boy, looks like a straight line as a girl) . She looked at it from the nub point of view and said she would think it to be a boy, but we looked in between the legs and she said well it looks like a girl...


Belly button worries

At what point did your belly button return back to normal size? I’m 4 wks PP and mine is still stretched out. Is this my new normal?!


9 weeks

when did you stop progesterone? I’m currently on Crinone and my doctor said I can stop using it at 9 weeks.


Anyone get NIPT results?

I’m BAWLING!! Overall baby is healthy so far, but we just got the gender results of a boy 🥹 We have a girl already and we were hoping so hard for a boy (even though we already had girl names picked and room design). Girls run in my family so this is super shocking. I’m over the moon!! Anyone else get NIPT yet?



Anyone had a reading of 96/57 blood pressure? 22 weeks pregnant



I’m 19 weeks and don’t feel any movement yet, it’s making me really upset because all I want is to be able to feel my baby. I’ve had such an emotional week and it’s just proper set me off because I’m worried I won’t be able to feel her for ages if I can’t even feel flutters now :(


12 weeks exactly

What’s everyone’s guesses, I’m pretty sure I know 😅


Cervix started funnelling.

Hi all Had a scare this morning, I went for my weekly cervix check (previously had pre term birth and neonatal loss at 24 wks back in feb due to choriaminitis ) currently pregnant with my rainbow baby. I’m 23 weeks went for my weekly check and my cervix has dropped from 43mm to 28mm and started showing signs of fu...


High blood pressure

Has anyone had a slightly elevated reading at one appointment and it has gone down at the next visit? I typically have lower blood pressure levels but they have increased a little at my last 2 appointments. They're not concerned yet as it's only 130/90 but as I'm typically low, they are higher readings for me!


Small belly at 30 weeks..

Just came back from my midwife and she said my belly is a size of 26 weeks pregnant woman and I’m 30 weeks. My worry is the baby’s weight might be low or I might have not enough waters.. (my sister had issue with it while pregnant) I must say I’m a bit worried, although I am petite so maybe it’s sth to do with my ge...


Sneak peek

How long for results? I sent mine off today😬🥰


Second baby

We’ve been trying for our second baby- it’s too early to test but I’m suddenly panicking. Can anyone give me any words of reassurance that this will all be okay 😩



Has anyone been offered a sweep yet? If so, how many weeks will you be when you get it?


Gaining weight

Anyone else not lose their pregnancy weight and actually gained more weight 🫠🫠🫠 Pretty sure it’s my cortisol levels bc I eat healthier than I ever have 90% of the time & I am definitely a bit more active just chasing around my toodler but we also do walks a lot. Help if you’ve had any solutions!! I do not want…


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