Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
So I had my 1 hr Glocuse test today and failed it I have to do the 3 hr one dose anyone know anything about this or did anyone have to do it? I need any advice or talk I can get please
Hey Moms!! Anyone struggling with having sex? In 2 weeks i’ll be 7 months and i haven’t really been in the mood for sex (it’s been 3 months) I think it’s me being insecure about my stomach honestly. How big my stomach is growing and how i feel just big and unattractive. Anyone else?
I’m 35 weeks + 5 days! When should I start nesting? xxx
So I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant, I have a nearly one year old (she’ll be one in a couple weeks) so if I am they would be about 1.5 years apart. We weren’t planning this and every conversation I’ve had with my partner is that we’d wait until she was about 3. I don’t think I could terminate the pregnancy as I now look...
Glucose test this week any tips and tricks ?
Anyone else’s Dr not go off their period? I’m soo irritated because technically I should be further along then my ob is making me! 😢 I should be 33weeks today not 32. I found out I was pregnant VERY early on through a blood test at the Er and when I went to see my obgyn for the first time she did a sono baby was…
Can I hear everyone’s experience having a second child? It makes me very nervous, my pregnancy was great but it’s the labor and healing process after I have a hard time with. Also worried my son wouldn’t be happy or would get jealous, also general management raising two kids. My son wants a baby brother but what if ...
I’m having a girllll 😍😍😍😍😍 I’m so happy and over the moon. I have a 13 month old boy and I was hoping for my little girl.
My appointment is at 9am. What time should I fast from? I can’t find the leaflet that I was given at my 12 week appointment 🤦🏻♀️
My baby is breech and I'm getting a scan next week to confirm it. My midwife said I will probably be booked in for a c section at 39 weeks, but I feel anxious about waiting that long and going into labour with a breech baby! I live about 40 minutes away from the hospital, and also don't have anyone in the area to dr...
I am experiencing palpitations , 24/7 breathlessness, high heart rate as soon as I stand up goes to 130 but usually it’s over 100 all the time as well anyway. Twitching in my right hand. Chest and back pain , when sleeping and switching sides I wake up through the night becasue of the pain , is this anxiety or can b...
Hello, has anyone else had a combined test result of 1 in 5000, I know it’s still low risk but most of my friends have had 1 in 10000, so half the chance. They got pregnant in their 20’s though and wondering if it’s just an age thing?
I’m coming up to 19 weeks, I’ve felt little bub but mainly just when they kick my cervix 😅
We’ve just found out we are pregnant again! We took precautions however baby seemed to have slipped through the cracks😂 has anyone had a baby and a few months later caught pregnant again? I’m 5months postpartum 😩 worried about risks etc!
Just did a test earlier today and am shocked to find im pregnant! Not expected at all and still processing it but I am so nervous. My son will be 29 months old so well into his terrible two's. Someone please reassure me it will be okay 😭
Hi Ladies, I am looking for anyone who has had a similar experience with your thoughts and coping mechanism for you and your partner. I went for a midwife appointment today. My BP reading was high 3 times, so she sent me to triage as it has been going up in the last few appointments. Obviously, I would rather be s...
Hiya, presuming most of you have had/or will have the test? I did mine last week (Tuesday) and was told given the size of my bub, I might have diabetes (eye roll). Anyways it’s been a week and the hospital has not called, I’ve chased, nothing. Surely they would call if I was positive….right? I want to know if I c...
So before having baby I’m used to sitting in dark room (not depressing vibes, just cosy vibes, candles, little side lamp) I really cannot bare natural light! Always been this way. Soon as my partner opens the blinds I literally have a melt down cos I can see all the dust/marks all over the house and it drives me ins...
I live in Florida and I’ve lived in my apartment for two years. My baby is 6 months old. It’s really cold tonight so I decided to turn the heater on and it was only on for about 5 seconds, started smelling like a fire so I immediately turned it off. Idk if I have a gas or electric heater but now I’m paranoid and can...
Hey yall so I went to the OB today and I explained my nub theory loophole ( looks like a little mountain if it’s a boy, looks like a straight line as a girl) . She looked at it from the nub point of view and said she would think it to be a boy, but we looked in between the legs and she said well it looks like a girl...