Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Glocuse test

So I had my 1 hr Glocuse test today and failed it I have to do the 3 hr one dose anyone know anything about this or did anyone have to do it? I need any advice or talk I can get please


Having Sex

Hey Moms!! Anyone struggling with having sex? In 2 weeks i’ll be 7 months and i haven’t really been in the mood for sex (it’s been 3 months) I think it’s me being insecure about my stomach honestly. How big my stomach is growing and how i feel just big and unattractive. Anyone else?


Nesting??! 🪺

I’m 35 weeks + 5 days! When should I start nesting? xxx


Some advice/words of encouragement or even experience would be great😬

So I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant, I have a nearly one year old (she’ll be one in a couple weeks) so if I am they would be about 1.5 years apart. We weren’t planning this and every conversation I’ve had with my partner is that we’d wait until she was about 3. I don’t think I could terminate the pregnancy as I now look...


Glucose test

Glucose test this week any tips and tricks ?



Anyone else’s Dr not go off their period? I’m soo irritated because technically I should be further along then my ob is making me! 😢 I should be 33weeks today not 32. I found out I was pregnant VERY early on through a blood test at the Er and when I went to see my obgyn for the first time she did a sono baby was…


Second pregnancy?

Can I hear everyone’s experience having a second child? It makes me very nervous, my pregnancy was great but it’s the labor and healing process after I have a hard time with. Also worried my son wouldn’t be happy or would get jealous, also general management raising two kids. My son wants a baby brother but what if ...



I’m having a girllll 😍😍😍😍😍 I’m so happy and over the moon. I have a 13 month old boy and I was hoping for my little girl.


Gestational diabetes test tomorrow

My appointment is at 9am. What time should I fast from? I can’t find the leaflet that I was given at my 12 week appointment 🤦🏻‍♀️


Can I ask for a sooner date for a planned c section?

My baby is breech and I'm getting a scan next week to confirm it. My midwife said I will probably be booked in for a c section at 39 weeks, but I feel anxious about waiting that long and going into labour with a breech baby! I live about 40 minutes away from the hospital, and also don't have anyone in the area to dr...



I am experiencing palpitations , 24/7 breathlessness, high heart rate as soon as I stand up goes to 130 but usually it’s over 100 all the time as well anyway. Twitching in my right hand. Chest and back pain , when sleeping and switching sides I wake up through the night becasue of the pain , is this anxiety or can b...


Combined Test Results

Hello, has anyone else had a combined test result of 1 in 5000, I know it’s still low risk but most of my friends have had 1 in 10000, so half the chance. They got pregnant in their 20’s though and wondering if it’s just an age thing?


Anterior placenta - when did you feel bubba?

I’m coming up to 19 weeks, I’ve felt little bub but mainly just when they kick my cervix 😅


Pregnancy 1 after the other.

We’ve just found out we are pregnant again! We took precautions however baby seemed to have slipped through the cracks😂 has anyone had a baby and a few months later caught pregnant again? I’m 5months postpartum 😩 worried about risks etc!


IM PREGNANT with baby No.2!

Just did a test earlier today and am shocked to find im pregnant! Not expected at all and still processing it but I am so nervous. My son will be 29 months old so well into his terrible two's. Someone please reassure me it will be okay 😭


Moral support and experience of high BP

Hi Ladies, I am looking for anyone who has had a similar experience with your thoughts and coping mechanism for you and your partner. I went for a midwife appointment today. My BP reading was high 3 times, so she sent me to triage as it has been going up in the last few appointments. Obviously, I would rather be s...


Gestational Diabetes

Hiya, presuming most of you have had/or will have the test? I did mine last week (Tuesday) and was told given the size of my bub, I might have diabetes (eye roll). Anyways it’s been a week and the hospital has not called, I’ve chased, nothing. Surely they would call if I was positive….right? I want to know if I c...


Not sure if I sound crazy here ?!!

So before having baby I’m used to sitting in dark room (not depressing vibes, just cosy vibes, candles, little side lamp) I really cannot bare natural light! Always been this way. Soon as my partner opens the blinds I literally have a melt down cos I can see all the dust/marks all over the house and it drives me ins...


Reassurance needed please..

I live in Florida and I’ve lived in my apartment for two years. My baby is 6 months old. It’s really cold tonight so I decided to turn the heater on and it was only on for about 5 seconds, started smelling like a fire so I immediately turned it off. Idk if I have a gas or electric heater but now I’m paranoid and can...


Nub theory help me solve this!

Hey yall so I went to the OB today and I explained my nub theory loophole ( looks like a little mountain if it’s a boy, looks like a straight line as a girl) . She looked at it from the nub point of view and said she would think it to be a boy, but we looked in between the legs and she said well it looks like a girl...


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