Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
When did you take your glucose test, or when are you going to take it?
So I just went to my one week check up post partum and the OB diagnosed me I got preeclampsia due to rapid high blood pressure (155/80), I got my repeated C-section last week at 11/27 and so far everything was okay, blood pressure was always good during pregnancy only swollen feet but after the triage visit the hosp...
Found out I’m pregnant on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. This is my first baby and it is honestly kicking my butt. I haven’t had much nausea at all, but the fatigue is extreme. I could sleep all day. I’m sleeping from like 8pm-7am every night and would nap at 10am if I could. I’m so excited but also so tired. (Photo t...
Hey. So I had an extra midwife appt last night and they were rushing / late and just all over the place. They did my BP, 1st alittle high, 2nd alittle high , 3rd fine. Also she did all three back to back with no time for taking a breather. I have then been told to buy BP monitor which I have and take aspirin ( fyi n...
This was at 13 weeks exactly
I’m 9 weeks pregnant on Monday, (first time mom) and aside from heartburn I’m really itchy! Am i the only one? I have been experiencing almost every symptom but i find the itchy skin one so random!
I’ve been feeling her low down in the left little fluttters low down but I’ve felt some pressure to the right of my belly button which is quite high would that be baby or something else?
I seem to get weighed at every appointment I have and I’m unsure why tbh. It’s depressing enough feeling so unwell in pregnancy I don’t want to stand on the scales to be shown how fat I am. Does anyone know if you have to get weighed when you go into hospital to give birth? Because I really don’t want to. I know it’...
I’m 26 weeks and still haven’t had any kicks, don’t get me wrong I’ve had little flutters but no kicks. I’ve been to the midwife for my 25 week appointment and she looked at the heartbeat etc. I totally forgot to ask her when should I panic especially the fact all professionals I’ve seen have all said my placenta is...
Did anyone else nearly faint and vomit during their Glucose Tolerance Test? Not sure if this is a normal response or possibly a sign of diabetes? :/
does anyone else feel uncomfortable in their body? i thought this would be more of a third trimester thing and i don’t really even have a bump yet so i don’t get it. but i feel like rubbish. i can’t sleep, don’t like anything that i eat, feel sick and rubbish all the time. just feeling down!
Hi! Can anyone tell at all? We are keeping its secret but i’d like an idea haha!
I went with a company called early reveal and my blood was collected at one of the UC baby clinics (canada).
Hey guys so I go to get my kit later today to have blood work drawn and I was just wondering if after words how long does it take for blood work for gender to come back I’m hoping to have the results back before my birthday which is in 2 day ( here’s pic so post don’t get lost)
Does anyone else in the third trimester feel like they’re back in the first again? I feel so sick all of the time, major food aversions again and I’m utterly exhausted!
Hey. I’m 32 weeks and I am struggling with the lack of intimacy from my partner. I never thought I’d be the one pretty much getting turned down and it’s making me feel really paranoid. Bump is pretty big now so I understand it’s not the easiest but that doesn’t make me feel any better! Has anyone else had this? I ...
So I had my 1 hr Glocuse test today and failed it I have to do the 3 hr one dose anyone know anything about this or did anyone have to do it? I need any advice or talk I can get please
Hey Moms!! Anyone struggling with having sex? In 2 weeks i’ll be 7 months and i haven’t really been in the mood for sex (it’s been 3 months) I think it’s me being insecure about my stomach honestly. How big my stomach is growing and how i feel just big and unattractive. Anyone else?
I’m 35 weeks + 5 days! When should I start nesting? xxx
So I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant, I have a nearly one year old (she’ll be one in a couple weeks) so if I am they would be about 1.5 years apart. We weren’t planning this and every conversation I’ve had with my partner is that we’d wait until she was about 3. I don’t think I could terminate the pregnancy as I now look...