Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
I want a second baby but I’m only 3 months pp
10 weeks pp, my incision site seems abit sticky always. I am regularly cleaning it, drying it but still like this. Has anyone experienced it aswell?
For the past 2 days I’ve been having cramps in my lower belly. Every 15 min roughly. Idk if it’s gas, poop cramps, or contractions. I feel like I have to go (lots of pressure) but when I do it doesn’t ease the cramping. I’m 35+4 so it’s still a little early. Nothing helps the cramping. Not heating pads, ice, walking...
Need advice ! So I’m currently 5 weeks 2 days pregnant (3 previous miscarriages) I had my bloods taken 2 days ago my HCG was 16704 had my bloods done again today and they’re now 27510, they have risen a fair bit but haven’t doubled when I asked if this was ok she didn’t give me an answer and just repeated that they ...
Why did you have a c-section before 39 weeks? I will eventually have a c-section, but it's all new to me..
Question to mummas who have girl babies! If you remember your LMP date when you got pregnant with your girl baby, could you pls share the LMP date & your DOB? 😅
Hi! I found out I’m pregnant with my first baby. Little bit of a silly question but I want to give birth st St Thomas hospital but live in North London and my closest hospital is North Mid. I do not wish to give birth there but want to have my antenatal appointments there to save me from traveling to St Thomas all t...
I’m 3 months pp and I tried to have sec with my partner for the first time and it was so painful. Se tried again a few weeks later and it was just the same. I had a forcep delivery (which didn’t work) and then had an emergency C-section. Everything feels so swollen inside still and it’s just impossible to do. Did ...
Hi all! How far was you gone when you got a midwife?? I filled an online form out 7 days and haven’t heard anything? I’m only 6 weeks 1 day but wasn’t sure when I should get one?
Has any other momma had this told to them for there baby? If so how was your appointments following this? Was everything okay when they were born?
Due 31st, booked for induction 17th however my waters went 6pm on the 16th and baby boy was born 5:41am on 17th January! Enzo 💙 We are so in love with him 🥹💙
What snacks have you packed In your hospital bag? I’m being induced so expecting to be in for a fair while. Will me and my partner be offered dinner ect from the hospital
Has anyone delivered at 37 weeks and their baby not needed extra support? But if they did then what did they need and how long for
Hey! I'm currently pregnant with my second child. My labour/birth with my daughter was pretty horrendous. 18 hours in labour, suction, forceps, & being cut open to finally get her out. It was all very dramatic. Thankfully the evening I had her the Labour ward was really slow and so there were 3 senior doctors availa...
I’m 6 weeks and 6 days. Has anyone had discharge that makes your underwear wet? I’m just wondering if this is normal for early pregnancy.
Would love to know when your July baby was born. Share your 6 month pic of you’d like!
Hi so I’m 32 weeks and 1 day. I had my 32 growth update because baby boy has always been on the bigger side. We had the growth scan and i expected him to be maybe 4.5 lbs. Wellll he’s 5.4 lbs 🫣🫣🫣! And measuring two weeks ahead! For reference i am 5’2 and started at 110. So very small. Then they told me he was…
How are you all planning the whole 'going to hospital for birth' when u have a toddler aswell.. I don't know what to do .. do they allow kids in with us? Do I make plans to have someone around? My family live an hour away..
Today I got my booking appointment and I will be 10+4 weeks at the appointment. I read online that the booking appointment should be before 10 weeks? 🤔 Any thoughts? Is it worth phoning the maternity services back or is this normal. Anyone else in the same boat? TIA 😊
How to quantify if the baby has been moving less? What should be considered as reduced? I am confused and worried at same time