Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Our doula recommended this hospital. It is about 30mins away from our home, and we’ll need to go to an OB that’s also 35 mins away if we want to deliver here. Unfortunately their maternity tours are all booked up so we can’t visit in person, check out their vibes, or ask the nurses questions. Wondering if anyone h...
Hey all, trying to prepare myself ahead of my C Section next week, anyone have any suggestions or advise of things I should do/need to buy? Any recovery tips and tricks or just things that are good to know? Getting really nervous and worried about the recovery aspect, i know it’s different person to person, but as...
Anyone who has jad/have a c-section overhang/pouch. Has anyone managed to get rid of it and have before and after photos??
So, I have been talking to my husband about how we might want to not announce the birth to anyone for the first few days so we can just have the time to ourselves, not feel any pressures to tell people and have to respond to texts. I can also kinda see it that it might annoy people... So what does everyone else thi...
How early can your water break??
hiya girls! i had my c section on the 1st and still have my bandage on due to being in hospital untill yesterday, when should i take off my bandage? i’m worried about catching my scan or ripping it open ( know i’m probably over reacting but i’m a fist time mum and im very stressed about it)
I’ve been contracting every 5mins since 4am this morning. I had a sweep at 3pm yesterday and started to get pain about two/ three hours after the sweep, with a bloody show and mucus which more then was coming out overnight. I’m just wondering if when I get roughly to the 12hr mark if my contractions are still 5min...
So for context, my baby’s head is super low and engaged and I was 1cm dilated at my OB appointment last Monday. Then on Friday I lost my mucus plug. A couple hours later I started having what felt like period cramps at irregular intervals… then they stopped. Overnight had a few more stronger sensations that seemed m...
I’m 41 weeks today and have an induction tentatively planned for Monday. Thus far, baby’s size and heart rate are OK. He’s presenting downward, but posterior position and doesn’t seem to want to rotate to an anterior position. Last week I was 4/5 engaged and this week he’s shifted to 3/5. Has anyone opted for an e...
Hi all, I’m 21 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby and I’m a first time mum. I’m terrified of giving birth ‘naturally’ and wanted to find out more about your experiences. I actually don’t feel that much better about an elective c-section but figured that I’m ok with the scar and I feel a bit better about doctors a...
I can’t tell if my water broke or if I just peed myself?! 5:40am it felt like I had to pee so I got up and got to the bathroom and before I sat down it just started coming out of me and it wasn’t a small gush or anything but I stood there for a minute with it continuing to come out of me then eventually dripping. It...
October 4th my baby finally arrived I had to have a c section any advice on how to heal I’m having a hard time walking or even sitting up I’m still at the hospital
Has anyone got any experience with leaking waters? I’m almost sure it’s not like almost convinced 😂 but ever since I’ve woken up this morning every time I move (stand up etc) something leaks out, I’ve had a look and seems like really watery discharge, almost but not quite clear can just about see it on my…
Hy was induced yesterday at 37 weeks am a bit scared and don’t know whats gonna happen any advice Don’t get me wrong all was explained but mentally am worried if it makes sense
So im currently 40+2 now, and ive been getting on and off pains, havent lost mucus plug or had a show yet, i had a midwife appointment yesterday for stretch and sweep, she said i was already 2cm-3cm at a push, does this mean anything, and is there anything i can do at home to get things moving? Really don't want to...
Does anyone know if they would give you an elective c section date for a weekend in UK? Curious as 39 weeks falls on a Saturday.
I’m just over 36 weeks. Anyone else experiencing diarreah every morning lately ? And does it mean labour is near or not really ?
Hello everyone, my waters broke yesterday morning, I’m yet to start having regular contractions, even the few I’ve had aren’t painful. I’ve planned to have a home birth, so I’m looking for tips and tricks to get things going, I couldn’t sleep for worrying about having to go into the hospital this morning. They want ...
I was induced with my first bub and looking like I'm going to be again. I have a lot of fear around the birth from my last experience and trying to plan for a better outcome this time. I was wondering if anyone only let them break their waters (no further intervention) and how that went for them in terms of contrac...
So my babay is 3 months I’ve been pumping and really haven’t had a period yet. Like once a month I’ll get like discharge with a little blood in in it’s not very much it will last a little while is this normal? FTM