Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
Probably just because I have been staring at this but is there no line or is there a small faintest of the faint line???
Not even the faintest of lines really anxious for tomorrow anyone else have the same cycle?
Test was taken this morning and picture taken within 8 minutes of test being dipped. I took the outer casing off as the viewing plate has a clear panel but was reflecting off the lights cause a glare. I swear I see it pink in person It’s NOT a digital ☺️☺️
I only took a test because my bbt shot up again but I don’t trust my own eyes anymore lol
Am I crazy or does anyone else see a VVVF line? I have been testing for the last 3 or 4 days and I am starting to get discouraged. I don’t know what DPO I am as I did not track this cycle. The app is estimating 7DPO I have had some symptoms since Thursday though. Nausea, headaches, bloating, and some dizziness.
Is this an evap or a line?
Not sure what to think
Hi! Can someone tell me if this looks normal. Currently 18 DPO. This is progression from 15-18. Picture in comments.
Hi does anyone know if yoga balls are available at Jessops or whether I'd have to take my own? It's been a life saver for my back pain so hope it will help during labour!
Hey guys, I have my booking appointment with the midwife next week and was wondering whether the father should be coming with me to the appointment? If he doesn't come, has anyone got any advice on info I need to gather from him that they may ask at the appointment? Thank you! ❤️❤️
First pic is 16dpo. Pic in comments is 19dpo
I don't think I can quite believe it! That's a second pink line, isn't it? I know it's far too early to get excited. AF is due on Wednesday!
Anybody else have their first appointment the week of November 11th? I’m anxious 😫
I feel like I'm going mad.
Just took this clear blue digital test and I’m in shock as took an digital test a week ago and it said 1-2 weeks and exactly a week after it’s come up with 3+ I’m so confused as I thought I was only 3 weeks this week
I’ve got my first appointment on 14th November, is it normal to take my partner with me to that? Just need to figure out if we both need time off work for it :)
Hi! Has anyone experienced pre-diabetes postpartum? My A1C was 5.4 pre pregnancy, during pregnancy I failed the one hour but passed the three hour. I’m almost 3 months postpartum and my A1C is now 5.8 and Glucose 110. Thoughts ? Diabetes type 2 does run in my family.
I rang 24 hour midwife twice within a week but I feel as though I need to ring them again but it’s just one little silly question but I can’t seem to stop worrying do u think they’ll be annoyed If I ring again ?
In some cases, medical teams are wasting precious time debating legalities and creating documentation, preparing for the possibility that they’ll need to explain their actions to a jury and judge.
How many dpo did people see the 2-3 weeks on there clear blue please ?