Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.

Worried for my health

I wasn’t feeling ok so I scheduled with My doctor she send me to do some labs and they called me to let me know that I am very close to be pre diabetic and also my cholesterol was high so recommended to workout eat less sugar and no much of read meat 🥩 I am really not the person that buy a bag of candy every…


Feeling like giving in

Long story short, I have gestational diabetes and I am on insulin 4x a day and monitoring blood sugar. Anyways, I’ve been doing pretty good not eating sugar and I haven’t really craved it until recently the past couple weeks. I’m 30 weeks today and it’s killing me. All I want is cake or ice cream or my free crumbl c...


Sex 2 week PP

So… I’m feeling well and healthy down there. Very minimal bleeding, only when I pee. I miss my husband!! It’s been a long time. Would you?? Or would you still wait to recommend 6 weeks??


Maternity pads

Which maternity pads would you recommend for the first days? I think I would rather use pads and knickers than wear pull ups 😅 I have Asda ones and not sure if I should grab some other ones too to try out


Line eyes?

I think I have serious line eyes. Does anyone see a second line, even the faintest? I was dying to test and I know I should’ve waited but I just couldn’t. I’m 8dpo and this was not taken with FMU


Maternity Unit

Is anyone else losing trust in their maternity unit? I called today with a pain under my rib that goes into my shoulder and they didn’t bother to ask any further questions not even my name or gestation. They just told me it’s not an issue they’d deal with. I’m just feeling disappointed


Peak or high

Would you class this as high or peak, I couldn’t test in between as I hurt my back and couldn’t move


Am I wrong for not having called my SIL?

My SIL gave birth yesterday to my niece. Once we heard the news I congratulated both her and my brother via text message. She had a long labour which ended in c-section, so my assumption was that she’s tired and would want to rest. I didn’t call her because I’ve had 2 kids myself and I know how tired I was after bir...


I swear it’s there- 8DPO

I know it’s the squintyest squinter ever but I’m 90% certain it’s there. This will be our rainbow baby after a loss in November…. Anyone see what I see? It’s harder in a pic. 🤍


Midwife app

Can anyone tell me please what happens at the 36 week home visit with the midwife? Just preparing that’s all. Does she go to the nursery etc or is it just a downstairs kinda chat? X


What to expect at 36 week appointment

I have my 36 week midwife appointment soon and just wondering happens? 🩷



10DPO- photo taken in time frame but the line has now disappeared 🤷🏼‍♀️



Today has been classed as my peak day even tho my reading isn’t high…would you say this was my peak as tonight’s test dropped down to 0.18. Should I BD today and tomorrow?


Pregnancy acne

Please tell me it gets better.. I have been breaking out so bad this pregnancy, I use mandelic acid and I generally think it has been helping manage my acne but would offer comfort knowing another mama got past this phase. xx


Experience with Triage

Ladies, I had my first experience with triage today due to reduced movements. They directed me to the Day Assessment Unit instead, where I ended up waiting for 2.5 hours before finally being seen by a midwife and put on a CTG. Thankfully, everything was okay in the end, but I couldn’t help but wonder—are these wait ...


Faint line?

Came up within the time limit, but is faint. What do we think? I am 14DPO Should I get a digital?


Gaining Weight - 30lbs and 11 weeks to go

Spoke to my OB and she said I need to start exercising more this third trimester. I gained 30lbs with a starting normal BMI and I still have 11 weeks to go. Any suggestions for weight gain? I was tracking fine until the last two months. Will this affect the baby? I am not trying to be unhealthy but looking for tips...


Line Eyes

Do u guys see this or am I crazy?


Is it getting darker?

I can’t see irl that is getting darker and I’m getting worried. What do you see? Last time, it was much darker at 13dpo.


Flo app

Morning Please can someone educate me on this app? What does green circles and red circles mean? Black numbers - does this mean days I can’t fall pregnant? Thank you


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