Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.

UC and pregnancy

I’m not due untill August, but when is best to tell UC about my pregnancy, trying to add the baby into my healthy start claim, but it says I need to inform UC first… just wondering how anyone has done this TIA❤️


Perineal Massage

Wondering how many mamma’s used oil for perineal massage and if you think it helped? If so, what oil did you use!?


Midwife help!

I’ve been assigned a midwife (who I’ve never met and I’m 24 weeks now) but she seems to never respond? I’ve been calling and messaging multiple times for a few weeks now for things I need help with like my MATB1 form and some other things that I want to be ready for as I get further into the pregnancy. I don’t have ...


Is this my peak?

Could this be my peak? Only registering as 0.89 on premom



Still not pregnant on a digital!


Low fluid

Anyone diagnosed with oligohydraminos at their anatomy scan go on to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. PPROM was ruled out but I’m still not feeling very hopeful


Peak overnight

Is it possible to peak over night? I had my ‘high’ and then tested ‘low’ today is it possible that I peaked overnight?


What does this mean why is she drawing this and saying it’s me I’m not trying

Anyone else child does this lately she been saying mommy has a baby in her tummy I’m getting scared now because I’m not trying I don’t want to be pregnant I’m trying to prevent it seriously



Hi all, did anyone have an appointment at 36 weeks with their consultant? I had one at 32 weeks and booked in my section but now I have another booked in for 36 weeks.


Happy to join!

Cautiously optimistic. This is our second cycle trying and I got a positive 8DPO! Currently 11DPO, waiting until Thursday to retest as it will officially be missed period.


Low supply

When you have AF does supply drop? Mine is dropping suddenly.


Perineal massage

I can't reach down there 🤣 I've tried while having a bath and it just felt so uncomfortable and it's impossible to get there...I'll take any suggestions but I'm not buying any gadgets as I'm due in like a week so no point in spending money


11dpo line eyes

Eurgh I keep thinking I see shadows but I think I'm making it up in my head



Please help 😢😢 I went to the GP with severe abdominal pain on Tuesday, they queried a UTI although I had no symptoms, my results have come back today all significant/severe results with the comments patient admitted to hospital I haven’t been admitted to hospital I’ve been trying to call my GP and they just keep…


Workouts during pregnancy

Does anyone know of any good apps for pregnancy workouts? I’ve tired RWL however I have no signal in my gym & no access to WiFi so I can’t load the workouts. TIA


Do I call too much?

My LG started nursery three weeks ago. She is there two days a week. On the first day I called twice to check in and since then I call most days at some point to check in. They tell me to call as often as I like but I don’t know if I’m bothering them


Gestational diabetes birth options

I’m 27 weeks and have the GTT next week, but have been told I’m high risk and likely have GD due to insulin resistant PCOS and protein flagged at last urine sample. Pregnancy is otherwise all on track and low risk. I’m registered with St Michael’s and Weston - does anyone know what their policy is about GD and be...


Worried for my health

I wasn’t feeling ok so I scheduled with My doctor she send me to do some labs and they called me to let me know that I am very close to be pre diabetic and also my cholesterol was high so recommended to workout eat less sugar and no much of read meat 🥩 I am really not the person that buy a bag of candy every…


Feeling like giving in

Long story short, I have gestational diabetes and I am on insulin 4x a day and monitoring blood sugar. Anyways, I’ve been doing pretty good not eating sugar and I haven’t really craved it until recently the past couple weeks. I’m 30 weeks today and it’s killing me. All I want is cake or ice cream or my free crumbl c...


Sex 2 week PP

So… I’m feeling well and healthy down there. Very minimal bleeding, only when I pee. I miss my husband!! It’s been a long time. Would you?? Or would you still wait to recommend 6 weeks??


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