Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
I have a feeling this is negative but it is still kind of early… trying to keep hope
I’ve been diagnosed with GD at 30 weeks. My readings are fairly low and I have feel generally well all throughout. However my gd midwife wants me to take metformin. She also called again today asked for my readings and wants me to increase the tablet two twice a day. I think it is really unnecessary as I have spoken...
Good afternoon all, Pls does anyone know what it means to have an assessment day interview with the NHS? It's for maternity care assistant band 2,please anyone with experience in this regard to help pls.
Going crazy swear I can see something here
Hi everyone! Anyone had a 40 week appointment and can give some insight about what to expect?
Hi ladies, first time mum to be here at 39 weeks, I'm low risk and will be going to UHW midwifery led unit when everything kicks off. I just had a few random questions that I keep forgetting to ask... I've always been concerned with the before and after cus noone speaks of it. Hope these questions don't sound sill...
What did everyone’s postive tests look like at 9dpo. I took a easy@home this morning and a faint line/ shadow showed immediately. I don’t know if it’s a dodgy batch or I’ve got line eyes. It won’t show up on camera 🙄
So when we return to work how are we disclosing that we’re pregnant… again 😂? Feeling awkward for the manager/team but I’m trying to prioritise my wants and needs outside of work. One of these wants was to expand our family 🤰
How long did it take for the midwives to get back to you? It’s been over a week now and not heard from them. I sent the form off and still nothing. 7 weeks next Monday.
Hi all, when I put in my last period date it says I’m 4 weeks pregnant but my clear blue digital test says 1-2 weeks.. which is it? Very confused
One thing about me, is even though I know dang well it’s negative, I’m always going to see an indent line 🤣
I’m literally shitting bricks I had a growth scan today 😭 I’m 36 +4 days and he’s measuring big at 7lb 5 so I’m being induced on the 1st march this is my first baby I was fine all along now I’m scared I have to have my third gestational diabetes test because his belly is measuring big , I’m not bothered about the…
Hi, Does anyone see the midwives at Saxonbrook and know the best number or email to contact them on please? Thank you ☺️
Should you have weekly appointments after a certain point? I'm 38+3 had a midwife appointment last week and this week it's just my consultant I see as I had a growth scan friday. But I've got no other appointments for afterwards is this normal? I'm red pathway under consultant led, was originally watched because b...
This will be baby #5 for me but just had my first loss in November. What are your thoughts on this line? This is an early detection first response & I am 10DPO. (Temping and OPK)
This is an early section first response test
I’m not due untill August, but when is best to tell UC about my pregnancy, trying to add the baby into my healthy start claim, but it says I need to inform UC first… just wondering how anyone has done this TIA❤️
Wondering how many mamma’s used oil for perineal massage and if you think it helped? If so, what oil did you use!?
I’ve been assigned a midwife (who I’ve never met and I’m 24 weeks now) but she seems to never respond? I’ve been calling and messaging multiple times for a few weeks now for things I need help with like my MATB1 form and some other things that I want to be ready for as I get further into the pregnancy. I don’t have ...