Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
Hi honeys just wondering if you have had your health visitor visit I haven’t been told anything by my midwife and I’m 32 weeks pregnant in a day I also haven’t sat and went through my birth plan or had a hospital tour I feel so behind 😭
Water broke yesterday morning before an ultrasound. Got sent to L&D and was admitted from there. Got the epidural and was completely comfortable until like 20minutes before I had to push. The epidural started to fail and while I was partially numb, I felt a good bit of it 🥲 was completely worth it though. It kinda…
I just got my 🩸an hour ago and I have an appointment tomorrow. I literally have never done this before and I’m thinking of rescheduling. Tbh i’ve been dealing with some issues lately and needed a second opinion so this is my first time even going to this doctor. Would you go?
This is my test from 10dpo to 15dpo, is all look great? x
Is 7.9 too high for an hour after eating?
Has anyone else had this? Had my 25/28 week appointment this week where I was actually 26+5 and they took my bloods to check for anaemia. I got an automated text message from my GP surgery saying my WBC is slightly elevated and likely due to a limiting illness, repeat in 4 weeks. Haven’t heard anything from my...
Hi all, I have been diagnosed with GD at 26 weeks, and I have been controlling the sugar levels quite well for 2 weeks, now I am reaching 29 weeks but in the last three days fasting levels are in the range of 5.3-5.8 so they have sent me Metformin. I really don't want to start meds. Did anyone find a natural way to...
From my dates I think I’m about 5 and a bit weeks
Does the line look like it’s progressing okay? Top one is 10DPO, middle is 11DPO and bottom is 12DPO. Thanks
I am 37w +3 have been drinking over a gallon of water a day + Gatorade. Does anyone feel like that even drinking over a gallon of water? I don’t know how to quench my thirst at this point. I fear I developed gestacional diabetes. My test at 28 weeks was negative though. Does anyone feel like that?
I live in wales and tomorrow my baby has her 6 weeks appointment at the doctors. What am I to expect? I’m also a c section mama so will they check me too? As midwives when I was discharged and HV are saying different things. What am I to expect tomorrow I’m so nervous to take her and I just want to have a bit of an ...
Can anyone on here understand bbt charts? Does my chart still look ok? The blue is bbt chart line and the blue line is base line according to research
i was told today i had GD and i have a family history of diabetes so i was also now tested for type 2 aswell. just wondering everyone’s experience as ive been stressed out and just want some reassurance from similar experiences.🩷 if anyone has any meal suggestions too much appreciated xx
Hi, I had my results today and found out I have gestational diabetes, Just wondering what everyone eats to keep their blood sugar in check? And what are safe goods to have? Any alternatives? I'm 28 weeks and 5 days with my first baby and I'm just worried that I'm not going to do a good job of keeping my level...
I’m 6dpo so I’m super super super early… but can you see anything ???
I phoned 111… waiting for a call back. But has anyone got any advice while we wait? As unsure on what they’ll say. Whether to take her to A&E or not…
Anybody else ever feel like they’re living in their own delusion and they’re not actually pregnant? 😂 Just constantly sick for nothing
Hey, has anyone had a pregnancy massage and have any recommendations as to where is good to go in/around basingstoke? Tia 😊
has anyone been able to successfully recieve their birth notes ? i requested mine through the portal a few weeks ago and not recieved anything/ heard anything. wondering does anyone have a contact email?
Hey all, I’ve had several incidents with my Colchester midwife which has resulted in me putting in a formal complaint. Gutted my pregnancy has been tarnished by this! The lead midwife is supportive of me transferring to Chelmsford instead, but I have received a response to myself referral that they are full capacity...