Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.


How many weeks early is it safe for a baby survival been a premiee


Am I Crazy?

I know I’m only 8dpo but I swear I see a line just looking at the test. Nobody else can see it that way so I inverted it and I see this faint line. Am I crazy?



Anyone else 8dpo? Longest week of my life!



Has anyone else been disappointed with maternity care at Broomfield? I haven’t had a midwife appt since 16 weeks (22 now) and my next one isn’t until 35 weeks. They just don’t seem to be bothered!! Don’t have any of my growth scan appts, or a consultant appt I’m supposed to have at 28 weeks. Had my first boy at Bas...


Birth debrief update.

Thank you to everyone who commented and shared there experiences. It really helped me go into it a lot calmer. If I’m honest I don’t feel it’s done a whole lot for me. She just told me what I already knew and just kept apologising for how bad it went. In a way I liked seeing it all laid out but I requested that she ...


Clear blue digital

If you get a 1-2 weeks On a clear blue after getting a very faint line positive would you say that’s 3 weeks pregnant or 4? I feel like 3 weeks pregnant is too early to be detected 😂my cycles are irregular so I can’t use my period to effectively date.


Line progression?

Since trying for baby #2 I’ve had two losses so I’m nervous. From the top it’s 9dpo am, 10dpo am, 11dpo am, 11dpo pm, 12dpo am. Do they look okay?


I should be 5 weeks 5 days

I took a clear blue this morning n it said 1-2 weeks meaning im 3-4 weeks but that can’t be correct! Has this happened to anyone else.


Head down but still not engaged

I'm 38 weeks exactly today, baby is head down at midwife appointment but still not engaged How can I get her engaged? 🙃



Would you all agree my peak was yesterday?


Want what you can’t have

Why does a turkey sandwich sound so good while you’re pregnant all of a sudden


Am I going mad?

Is there the beginnings of a very faint line here or have I gone cross eyed? Only 8dpo 😵‍💫


When did everyone here from their midwife?

I was told I had an allocated midwife at my first appointment at like 6 weeks. However, now 15 weeks bad haven’t heard from here. I’ve had all my appointments and that just not heard or met her. There’s no number for her sp can’t chase this up either. When did everyone here from theres? Thank you


Mat b1 form

How do I get this? Do I call the midwives up and ask for it? I’m just over 20 weeks and had my scan but don’t see my midwife until I’m 26 but ideally need the form now


Five weeks today

Hello I am five weeks today so I brought a clear blue thinking I’d see 3+ but it’s come up 2-3? Has this happened to anyone else? Do I need to wait until I am a couple of days past five weeks? Should I be worried?



Had my 34 week midwife appointment today and came out feeling so deflated. I have consultant appointment next week to discuss c-section (I had an emergency with my first). Was talking with my midwife and said I was hopeing to have baby between 37-38 weeks pregnant and she said to me don’t get your hopes up. I am s...


How do you get a booking appointment? Spoke to a receptionist who told me you can't get a booking appointment until 8 weeks plus 🫤

I didn't have the same experience with my first one kn Derby so I'm confused please shed some light before I go mad on my GP surgery🤣


Telling people

Hey everyone, Due August 10th just had 12 week scan wondering if I should tell people and how to. I don’t know why I feel so scared to tell people. Anyone else feeling the same way or how did you tell friends/ work colleagues



I am currently 11 weeks pregnant with my second pregnancy and have had blood work results showing I have low TSH. My obs/gynae has suggested I book an appointment with a endocrinologist, which I have. I am just looking for any advice/information from others who have been through the same? I have no idea what it cou...


Post birth smear

Has anyone else been told they don't need the 3 month post birth smear? The GP nurse just sent me away and said my smears are up to date and last one being normal I'm not due one for another year, doesn't matter I've just had a baby...?! Yet the midwives were adamant I'd need one 3 months after giving birth. So conf...


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