Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.

HCG levels at 5 weeks?

Hey all- curious if anyone knows what their HCG levels were at roughly 5w1d? Mine were in the 6,000+ range and that seemed way higher than expected. Any reasons why that might be?


Random question

Got in a fight and I think I broke my thumb. It’s crooked and I can barely use it. My lip is also really busted though. If I go to urgent care, will they question me about my face or call anyone? I really don’t wanna deal with nothing extra. Or should I just wait a couple days till my lip heals?



do you guys see it too or am i delusional 😭 one of my friends said they see it and one said they don’t so i’m confused but i feel like there is definitely a super faint line


GD diagnosis

Anyone else diagnosed with gestational diabetes? Feeling overwhelmed and hope all goes well just looking for similar situation’s :)


Does this look right for 9 weeks and few days pregnant?

Took this around 10 mins ago and after peeing on it it kinda fell into the sink…. Not sure if that affects it Does this look ok??


Second Opinion?

I see a faint shadow of a line but would love another opinion. 9DPO



Has anybody called the maternity unit at St Mary’s just to see if they would mind having a quick listen? My son was still born in August at 24 weeks and i have another 2 weeks before 20 week scan at Southampton with second baby. I’m not an anxious person at all but I’ve not felt any movement yet and my mind is runn...


200 Colombians deported (pregnant women, children BUT no criminals)

What kind of politics forces pregnant women to fly?


Massage after c-section

I’m 10 weeks pp after having a c section, my scar is healed but I’m still in a lot of pain in the area. My back is in agony after pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and general mum duties and I’m in desperate need of a massage. When would this be advisable from? I would want one that really goes in to actually help


Do I have line eyes👀 Or can you see it??

Might be a shadow, or maybe I’m just seeing things, but I swear I see a vvfl.


Badger Notes - self-referral

Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from the maternity team after a self-referral? I don't want to chase if I'm just being impatient but I don't want to be forgotten!!


Mom guilt/shame

FTM, 33 weeks pregnant but the mom guilt/shame is already real. All of my blood sugar numbers (fasting and after meals) have been great since being diagnosed. I have the most insane cravings for carbs and sweets right now though so hubby and I went out to dinner last night for our anniversary and I splurged a littl...


Clear Blue 1-2 Weeks

Hi Girls, So i’m starting to panic a little….. last week i got my bfp, on a clear blue 1-2 weeks! Today- a week later. i did another expecting 2-3weeks….. and it’s still 1-2 weeks ☹️ Anyone had the same thing? Any advice?


Any one had a VBAC consultation?

What happens at a VBAC consultation with a consultant? I have mine in a next week and would like to know what happens and roughly what is said. I’m super anxious about it as my midwife isn’t the greatest and has had me worry about birth since my 8 week appointment



Any other moms diagnosed with stage 2 hashimotos? I’m awaiting a referral to a specialist



Hello. Do you have any of you pregnancy diabetes? What kind of medications are you taking? They just found it to me now, in my 37 weeks, so I don’t know what to expect..


How often are you seeing your midwife?

It’s my second baby, I was high risk but now moved to low risk. I saw her at 16 & 28 weeks and now scheduled to see her at 34 weeks. Seems v little contact?


Gestational diabetes

Just found out today I’ve got GD and I am absolutely gutted. Any advice on good meals and how to control it would be greatly appreciated please 🙏😔


34+4 and preterm labor

Sooo I had an overnight stay at L&D because I was contracting every 3-5 minutes and I was actively dilating. I got sent back home the next day at 3cm because my contractions slowed down. If you’ve had previous pregnancies, how long until you went from 3cm to being in full blown labor?



How many weeks early is it safe for a baby survival been a premiee


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