Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
I’m so frustrated, I can’t believe my test has come back positive so early. Knowing I have to manage this for 5 months is so over whelming at the moment. I was completely diet controlled in my last pregnancy but it was for 3 months & I’m worried I won’t be able to do it again. Sorry I just needed to rant I’m so upset!
Hi Ladies at what point is your pregnancy not considered early? I have called the triage midwife service and the on call midwife has said I’m early pregnancy even though I’m over halfway through?
Do I have line eyes or can anyone else see a faint line?
A very close friend of mine has just found out she is pregnant at 15 weeks She doesnt know where to start and how to go ahead with anything? Would the NHS question her? Does she still self refer herself?? Has anyone experienced something similar finding out theyre pregnant far along into the pregnancy??? Please a...
Any experience with being pescetarian during pregnancy? I love fish but it seems the NHS doesn't allow more than 2 portions of fish per week? Fish has always been my main source of protein. My husband and his parents try to convert me to eating meat/chicken during pregnancy, for baby's benefit.
I’m currently 22 weeks with my first baby so everything is very new to me.. as to what to expect I’m curious to know how much midwife contact you should have? I see some people’s TikTok’s where they vlog contact and seem to have a lot of contact with their midwives, check ups etc .. I saw mine when we first foun...
What week of pregnancy did your clinics advise to take progesterone and pessaries up until?
Hey... any midwifes out there..? Just a bit of career advice for any midwifes pls? 😃
Baby is 3 weeks old and we had our appointment to get discharged from midwife care. She has been having a little secreting from her eye which we clean with cooled boiled water. Midwife asked if we've been to the GP or called 111 or the E&A but I didn't think it is any serious. In fact I was expecting the midwife to ...
Hi, I'm'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced excess amniotic fluid during their pregnancy? I am 34+5 days and was diagnosed yesterday. Just wondering what the experience was like for you and the reason behind it? And if baby was all healthy? Was there any complications?As I haven't got diabetes, so they a...
Is this a peak yet?
Does this progression look ok?
Hi everyone, hoping to do a baby moon in the UK before due date, any recommendations? Would love either a pregnant friendly spa or dog friendly getaway!
What do they do at this appointment? All I remember was lots of questions, a blood test and that’s it. Too early for the Doppler to detect a heartbeat, right? Any other checks they do? Thanks!
Am I just seeing what I want to see, or is there a SUPER faint line??
Hey all- curious if anyone knows what their HCG levels were at roughly 5w1d? Mine were in the 6,000+ range and that seemed way higher than expected. Any reasons why that might be?
Got in a fight and I think I broke my thumb. It’s crooked and I can barely use it. My lip is also really busted though. If I go to urgent care, will they question me about my face or call anyone? I really don’t wanna deal with nothing extra. Or should I just wait a couple days till my lip heals?
do you guys see it too or am i delusional 😭 one of my friends said they see it and one said they don’t so i’m confused but i feel like there is definitely a super faint line
Anyone else diagnosed with gestational diabetes? Feeling overwhelmed and hope all goes well just looking for similar situation’s :)
Took this around 10 mins ago and after peeing on it it kinda fell into the sink…. Not sure if that affects it Does this look ok??