Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
I have my first doctors appointment tomorrow. I'll be 9w3d. Anyone else already been to their first appointment. And how did it go? This is my second pregnancy, but I'm still super nervous for the first appointment
Can you see it? It’s very faint I’m post 5dt
Has anyone tried the Lola & Lykke belt and is it worth it? Really struggling with pain and would love to know if it works or any other belts that are worth getting! Anything to help 😭
I’ve taken a LH test (already ovulated but it’s gone high again Premom says 0.75) friend told me it can go high when pregnant so I decided to take a test app says I’m 8/10 dpo. Faint lines or not?
Am I crazy to think I see a shadow?? The line eyes are hard today🥲😭
Hey ladies, so recently found out I was pregnant. The date of my last period (first day was Jan 10) & premom is telling me I am 3 weeks 2 days However I did a clearblue weeks indicator test and it is telling me I am 1-2 weeks? A little confused, can anyone shed some light!? TIA xxx
Any words of advice how to get things going? I’m going to get a sweep in 3 days so hopefully that’ll help. Can’t wait to meet my baby 🥺
For anyone who has done the first midwife appointment what happened during the appointment
Hi, ive recently been told i have gestational diabetes, i had a gastric sleeve 3 years ago and apparently its a side effect in pregnancy after having weight loss surgery. My sugar readings vary between 4.3 and 7.8 mostly but i have had a few high ones the highest being 9.5, i am due to go back on the 7th for a follo...
I am currently 5w pregnant and submitted a self-referral to the Royal Maternity last week. Can anyone advise on how their experience was? Also did you receive your first appointment in the 12th week? I am quite anxious for the 12 week wait, please advice! Thanks
Does anyone else text their midwife? Everyone keeps telling me to update my midwife when I have concerns but she never replies is this normal? I just stopped and contact the clinic instead
Anyone else see it?
I feel like I see something when inverted but I don’t think I can even see it irl or if it’s just my eyes
Is this a good line for 15dpo at night? I’ve seen many get dye stealers by now and mines not quite so
I’m 35 weeks and was diagnosed with gd at 28 weeks, it’s been pretty easy to control it for the most part but for the last week or so my fasting numbers have been higher than normal. I don’t eat anything past 10pm and typically get up around 10-11. I’m not sure what I’m doing differently now
Please can you tell me if you can see 2 lines? Don’t want to get our hopes up
I’m so frustrated, I can’t believe my test has come back positive so early. Knowing I have to manage this for 5 months is so over whelming at the moment. I was completely diet controlled in my last pregnancy but it was for 3 months & I’m worried I won’t be able to do it again. Sorry I just needed to rant I’m so upset!
Hi Ladies at what point is your pregnancy not considered early? I have called the triage midwife service and the on call midwife has said I’m early pregnancy even though I’m over halfway through?
Do I have line eyes or can anyone else see a faint line?
A very close friend of mine has just found out she is pregnant at 15 weeks She doesnt know where to start and how to go ahead with anything? Would the NHS question her? Does she still self refer herself?? Has anyone experienced something similar finding out theyre pregnant far along into the pregnancy??? Please a...