Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
What do you guys think? I’ve been looking at tests all day and I’m hoping this is real.
Hi currently 2nd trimester. Can anyone recommend a YouTube channel or similar where I can find home workouts that are low impact/ pregnancy friendly? Thank you!
So, my hubby and I had originally planned on starting to try for baby #2 some time this winter. Except now, I'm honestly kind of scared. I'm a type 1 diabetic, in my late 30s, so I'm already high risk. I just keep worrying about if, God forbid, I experience complications, will I get the medical care I need? Anyone e...
What do you think? Evap or not? 😊
I dunno if it’s a dodgy batch going on or something but I’ve just got this after 10 mins - def invalid as I’m only 6dpo (just wanted to test)🤣
10 DPO - This is not using first wee of the day but it is an ultra early test. What do you think, we don’t know if we see it or we both have mad lines eyes ! 👀
So next week I have an interview for a senior healthcare assistant in the hospital and I’m stressing out as I really want this job, but I’ve been to 3 interviews with the NHS before and never ended up getting the role, so getting really anxious as really desperately want this job! Just looking for any wee tips anyon...
Has anyone else become more thirsty?! I'm 35 weeks and feel like I'm becoming so much more thirsty especially in the night! Which is then leading to weeing more which is very annoying 😂
Okay so I took it out in the time frame and saw this? Am I crazy? I know they say to not tamper with it but I felt like I could see something and needed a better look lol.
Has anyone found out this early?
How far along were you when you had your first prenatal appointment?
Hey, just wondered if anyone else is feeling pretty unsupported and alone when it comes to services in their area. My first midwife appointment wasn't what I expected at all, I didn't really get any information and felt like I was on a conveyor belt. They told me not to contact the midwifes pre-18 weeks, and any iss...
Just curious, I’m 35 weeks and I’ve never had an appt that I’ve had to wait less than an hour in the 12+ times I’ve come now. I’m used to it by now, but just curious what everyone else’s wait times are usually.
My eyes keep catching on something can anyone else see it?
Can anyone help? First time mum and being seen by consultant every 3 weeks. 37 weeks tomorrow, should I be seeing my midwife, havent seen her from 20 weeks and haven’t spoke to anyone about labour or my options etc…
Hey !has any one referred to the obstetrician clinic?? If yes then what it is actually?? I got referred and i had no conversation about this with my midwife so i m worried
Please help I am 7 DPO /(I know very early still) however I did a test lastnight left it tbh I totally forgot about it while I was doing something, came back to see a faint blue line! Now I am trying not to get my hopes up but please say you see it too
So when I had my son I felt like the nurses didn't take me seriously. I kept telling them that I needed to push and they just dismissed me and forced to to walk to the bathroom to have a wee (where I nearly had my son in the bathroom) I asked to be checked because I new that I was literally crowing and they just kep...
Proper squinter but can anyone see it please?! 🤞🏻
Heyy yall. For those momma’s who went into labor naturally at or before 38 weeks, how did you do it??? I need advice bad. My drs saying that bc I’m diabetic I have to deliver at 38 weeks via c-section if I haven’t already started laboring. And yes my diabetes is controlled and so far baby boy is measuring normal not...