Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Heartbeat at 8 weeks?

Will I be able to hear a heartbeat at my 8 week ultrasound or is it too early ?


Badger notes

Does anyone else on badger notes have an issue with their scan results not being published? Every scan I’ve had including my recent growth scan comes up this scan is not published. I asked my midwife she said to tell the hospital but on the app it says to tell the community midwife if you can’t see anything 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bad feeling

I’ve got a awful feeling something is wrong! I don’t know why but I can’t shake it! I’ve got my scan this week but I feel like i just can’t wait any longer! Help please! Anyone else had a bad feeling and everything is ok??


9+2 Scan

I have a private scan booked for tomorrow morning. I will be 9+2. Is it likely to be a transvaginal or external scan? Wondering if I need a full bladder or an empty one 💁🏻‍♀️


Am I silly?

So I had a private scan today which measured baby perfectly at 9w3d. I’ve been scared to excited due to a ectopic last year so this is the furthest I have ever come , even having the scan on my belly was amazing to me 😭 however I’ve bought a baby grow and a dummy because I just felt so excited 🥹 am I silly to do…



I had a scan today my period was 1st January so would put me 5weeks 4days but today they said I was just under 5 weeks give or take with a gestational sac and yolk sak I go back in 2 weeks for another scan has anyone else had this and gone back and progressed



Had our gender scan today and we’re having a GIRL!!🩷🩷🩷 Best feeling in the world 🥹


Big babies

Baby girl is 28 weeks and looks to be a little on the hefty side… I won’t be able to get a weight estimate until my growth scan at 36 weeks. How big were your babies at birth and how much do you predict my girl will weigh?


Early scan after only seeing yolk sack 2 weeks ago.

I went for a scan 2 weeks ago thinking I was about 6 weeks however they only saw a yolk sack and booked me in for 2 weeks time and they dated me at 5 weeks. I've been quite terrified waiting and convinced something wasn't right. I had a miscarriage and late loss last year due to other issues. I've also been spotting...


Scan anxiety

I dont know what's wrong with me but I'm 20 weeks tomorrow, got my nhs scan on Tuesday and I am just panicking. I don't think I've felt any movements yet, sickness & nausea all gone, tummy is growing as it should and had a private scan at 16 weeks where all was absolutley fine. How can I stop these anxieties from ge...


7 week scan

Saw my little 1cm dot this morning 🥰. Saw the heartbeat flickering away and now starting to feel really excited 🥰


I’m confused. Which week am I? Due 06 July.

The badger app says week 18 and most online calculators say week 19. My 20 week NHS scan is planned on 20 Feb.


Midwives and hospital care

I know the NHS are stretched right now but does anyone else feel a little let down by midwives and your hospital care team? I was told at 30 weeks that baby was big. Babies tummy is measuring on the 99th percentile. I know scans aren’t always accurate however I don’t feel like I’ve been advised any further. I’ve h...


Baby growth

Hi ladies ☺️ I had a growth scan earlier on this week (36+5) and baby boy was weighing approximately 7lbs 7oz. I have a c section booked in for 21st which gives him two more weeks of growing to do. Isn’t this when babies tend to put the most on? Has anyone had other experiences I can relate to? I’m thinking I’ll hav...


Baby’s nose/head shape 17wks ultrasound

Hello dear fellows! I am sort of freaking out here… I did my non-planned ultrasound today just to check on the baby (we are 17 weeks). And if you look at his face, there is kind of a “slope” or a divot between the forehead and the nose. Is this normal?… I am really worried.. and i can’t send it to my Obgyn because t...


Child protection plan due to unexplained mark

Has anyones child been on a child protection plan due to an unexplained mark? (Which I took him straight to the doctors for) … let me please state the obvious I would never ever hurt my baby. If so can you please give me some advice and hope.. what happened to you? What was the outcome? How long did it last? I am ...


Can the calculations be wrong??

I went for my ultrasound appointment today, and they told me I am 9 weeks and 3 days. My boyfriend heard this, and he thinks they are wrong. What do I do or say??


Growth scans?

Was your growth scans weights accurate when baby was born?


Marginal Cord

Hello, I got my results back from my 20 week anatomy scan and was advised that my placentas umbilical cord is growing out the side rather than the center. Did anyone else have this issue? Did it cause any issues with the baby or during your delivery itself?


Small bump at 21 weeks!

Anyone else have a really small bump at around 21 weeks. The sonographer said everything was fine with baby but sometimes you can’t even tell I’m pregnant and I just worry!


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