Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Baby position moved 37 +5

Last night I had some cramps and baby felt super low.. But this morning I'm not so sure she is head down anymore.. I think i can feel her on the left and the right side of my stomach. Has anyone else felt this? Is it just me being terrible at locating her position? 😂🫣


crusty eyes

my little boy never usually wakes up with eyes like this but the past few days he has, any ideas what it is?


Baby always on the right side?

Is anyone else’s baby always on the right side? I now feel him kicking left and right but he’s always curled up on the right! Midwife says he’s head down but I just presumed he’d be central in my stomach 😅 (first pregnancy as you can probably tell)


When Does It Start To Feel Rewarding?

When you’re TTC and when you’re pregnant, everyone tells you how rewarding it is to have a baby and watch them grow. Im 9 weeks PP. I’m struggling so much right now. I can’t eat when I want or sleep when I want, I can’t even go to the toilet when I need to. My boobs are sore and my nipples are on fire. My clothes do...


Reduced movement

I’m 24+5 and have been feeling baby move since about 19/20 weeks although very lightly. The last few days I thought I was getting into a pattern when I was eating I would feel baby moving, but yesterday and today I can feel movement but not as strong is this normal, feels more of a wave than a kick. Could baby have ...


31+3 and suffering nosebleeds!

Hi all, So recently I’ve had a terrible head cold, and it’s gone round the whole house! (Fun) my partner was the first to have it but was fine again after 4 days, I’m like a day behind him with it, but I’ve started to have nosebleeds, mainly in the mornings. My partner never suffered with nosebleeds, nor is any ot...


no morning sickness

I am 5w6d and have absolutely no nausea heightened smell or food aversions(however I have extremely large and tender breasts). I went in for blood work at 4w4d and hCG was 721 which she said was good but having to wait another two weeks for my first confirmation of pregnancy appointment is eating me alive. I’m tryin...


Contractions or Braxton Hicks?

I’m 37 + 4, been having on and off pains in my lower abdomen and groin area, lasts about 60 seconds, stomach hardens up during this time then softens again - feels like period cramps/sharp pains. I can sleep through them, but when awake comes and goes every 30 mins or so. How do I tell the difference between this a...


Migrain attacks

Is anyone else experiencing migrain attacks? To the point they can't see a thing out of their eyes:( it's so scary


Round ligament pain and exercise

Hello! I’m 19 weeks pregnant and have continued gym/hybrid exercise throughout (with dropping the intensity). Was working out this morning and experiencing what I think is round ligament pain. Just looking for advice/thoughts on whether that means I need to ease off for a bit or can continue?


EBF and Period ?

I started spotting this week and today I’m bleeding. Has anyone else who is EBF having a period ?


Small bump

I’m 22 weeks and still feel my bump is small, but especially compared to others. I had my scan last week so know baby is ok but makes me feel self conscious? I’m 5’2 so I thought I’d be much bigger by now


Sore butt cheek muscles🙈

37 weeks tomorrow…is anyone else experiencing aching hips/butt cheeks from lying on each side trying to sleep? It’s one of the many things waking me up😵‍💫 Any suggestions to minimise it?🙈


37+3 Feeling Nauseous

Anyone else feeling really nauseous recently finding myself waking up feeling sick and then not being able to get back to sleep


31 weeks

What’s everyone’s baby movements feeling like at 31 weeks? Sometimes I feel like a rolling sensation and kicking and sometimes feel this weird almost feels like the baby is twitching anyone else felt this?


When do the night sweats stop? 😮‍💨

I’m 3 weeks PP and still getting them they’re awful!!!



Any mamas dealing with severe nausea and vomiting? Any remedies?


bulb syringe

we’ve been using a bulb syringe on his nose at least once a day for awhile, and recently it’s increased to maybe 2 to 3 times. he doesn’t seem sick at all and is only stuffy after being on his back for awhile. but if we don’t use the syringe he will be very unhappy or fussy and can’t sleep. is this normal? 3 months ...


Round ligament pain

Have some strong round ligament pain today. Super sensitive around the belly button. Any one else? It’s like I did a hard ab workout



3rd night running I've gone to sleep at 10:30 and continuously woken up and then decided to stay awake at 1:30AM. Any of you other mummas struggling to stay asleep, any remedies to help me get some sleep and stay asleep


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