Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

bulb syringe

we’ve been using a bulb syringe on his nose at least once a day for awhile, and recently it’s increased to maybe 2 to 3 times. he doesn’t seem sick at all and is only stuffy after being on his back for awhile. but if we don’t use the syringe he will be very unhappy or fussy and can’t sleep. is this normal? 3 months ...


Round ligament pain

Have some strong round ligament pain today. Super sensitive around the belly button. Any one else? It’s like I did a hard ab workout



3rd night running I've gone to sleep at 10:30 and continuously woken up and then decided to stay awake at 1:30AM. Any of you other mummas struggling to stay asleep, any remedies to help me get some sleep and stay asleep


Frequent Urination

Anyone else going to the bathroom multiple times an hour? I’ve also been getting up like every 3 hours in the night to pee too. 38+3


Why am i always craving crunchy food???

I literally eat croutons all the time because it is the only thing that makes me happy. I ran out of croutons and now i feel like im going crazy 🙃 the need for crunchy is real and annoying as fuck and idk how to make it stop also i am not pregnant lmao


Would you push for more answers or be settled by this?

1. Went to GP for worse than usual bloating. Had a blood test and my CA125 level was 35 (normal but at the normal limit). Ca125 is a cancer antigen test for ovarian cancer. 2. Doctor phoned me and said it's normal but on the borderline. She said many things including just being on your period can raise it. But she...


Ovulation pain

Hey mamas, I’m in my early 20’s and I just recently started getting ovulation cramps. Is this normal?? I never even knew this existed until I looked it up… The pain is so sharp and painful, I took some Advil and this sht is not helping. Not even my period hurts this bad.


Okay I’m freaking out

I KNOW it’s normal to spot during pregnancy. I know that. I’ve known that for forever. But now I’m finally pregnant, I’m 4w6d into it, and the spotting is actually happening and I feel kind of crampy… and idk even though I know it’s normal, I can’t help but freak out just a little bit. I go to the gym every day but...



Uncomfortable every night recently. Heartburn, tummy ache, constipation, period pains on and off, backache, fatigue but can’t settle, sleepless nights, rib pain.. the list goes on. Is labour near? I’m 37 weeks tomorrow


8 weeks HELP :/

Woke up to some bright red spotting on tissue when I wiped. It faded as the day went on and is now gone . Didn’t show up on a panty liner. Should I be concerned? Also not noticing any sore breast or morning sickness today.


Ovulation type pain

I am 5 weeks pregnant and I am getting a pain in my left side sort of above my pelvis and feels similar to when I used to feel ovulation. Did anyone else get this I’m very worried


6 month still not rolling

My 6 month old still not rolling over is this normal?


Good sign?

I’m 6dpo is white, watery, cream discharge a good sign? I have also have dull like cramps on one side


Exhaustion Toll ?

Is anyone still exhausted? I've slept loads, but obviously emotionally drained too. How do you prep for going back to work etc, I just can't shake it. I've been off for two weeks now, and I want some normality back or to at least try but the tiredness is just crazy, brain fog. 😭


Question mummies

So I’m 17 weeks and 2days I’m currently carrying the same way I did with my first child and the placenta is at the front so not feeling movements did anyone else have this if so when did you feel baby? Been so long since I was in this position 🤣


I’m trying to not get in my feelings but I be craving love lately and realize I don’t have that and this post kinda to close to home lol

Anyone else relating at least?


Early signs of labour

I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and just wondering what was people's early sings of labour either this pregnancy or your last one.


Bulge of skin inside vagina entrance

Since around 4-5 months PP, I noticed a bulge of fleshy skin inside my vagina which overtime has got bigger and is now blocking the entrance entirely... I have a doctors appointment booked next week. Sex is impossible and it just looks so weird 😕 It's really getting me down... wondering if anyone else has ended up…


Big baby, rib pain??

I swear it feels this boy is going up in my ribs. I was told I was having a big baby, and am having to have regular growth scans and tested positive for GD. Now it seems to be he’s putting a lot of pressure in my ribs, which is causing minor chest pain and a bit of difficulty breathing. Is this normal? has anyone el...


Thirsty All The Time

5w+1; anyone else incredibly thirsty all the time! 2nd baby but didn’t have this symptom last time! Anyone else?


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