Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Night potty trained?

My three year old has been day time potty trained for a little over 6 months at this point. For the past month he's asked to wear underwear to bed bc he's not a baby. He's woken with a dry pull up here and there and a couple nights ago I managed to forget to put his diaper on and he woke up dry! It's not been three ...


Potty training

Did u start potty training yet? If yes how so ! If no let me when is the best time for it


Potty training

How old do you start potty training? My in law asked me today if I’d started and he’s 14 months next week. I thought it’s way too early isn’t it? Or is it not? I thought I had a while yet 🤔🤔


Potty training

Definitely learning as I go lol I've been ready to PT since he started solids because that's a grown man stank haha but the first time I tried I wasn't equipped. Our little guy has been in size 5 for a very long time. My husband said he did not want him to be wearing size 6 diapers. Man Man started signing poop an...


Potty training

I have no idea where to start. I’ve got a training potty for the 2yo LO. She’s afraid of it after the first use. Now what do I do???


Anyone else’s child not potty trained?

I’m trying and trying, I’m a teacher so I try every half term and she’s not getting it still. She tells me after that she’s done a wee


Potty training help 😩

We've been potty training for about 10 days now, and my little boy has done so well with wees. He only had accidents on the first day, and since then, he hasn't had any. But for the life of me, I cannot get him to poo on there. The trouble is, he is just holding it and holding it, he's not having any accidents, but ...


Potty recommendations

Thinking of starting potty training with my son soon and wondering which potty you use/are planning on using? Can’t decide whether to get a standard potty, one that looks like a mini toilet or get a seat that attaches to our actual toilet 🤔


Leaving the house with chicken pox

Can I take my 18 month old out for a walk whilst he has chicken pox? Not to see anyone at all but for some exercise and fresh air.


Dry nights

My girl is potty trained in the day but never has dry nights. What can I do to ensure she is fully trained at night? She found day training so easy, was all sorted within 3 days, but she wears a nappy overnight and it’s always pretty full in the morning. Advice needed please 🙏🏼


Teething help

Any magic tips to help my little boys discomfort with teething! I’ve tried the granulas and gave him calpol but they don’t seem to work and other medicines aren’t allowed till he’s 6 month! He has screamed all day, and now I’m literally lying here holding his dummy in his mouth so he can chew it whilst falling aslee...


Potty training

For those of you have completed the potty training stage & your little ones are confident in going to the potty/toilet, how long did it take from starting training to days with no accidents?


Potty training pants not working..

We have been potty raining since early December.. things have been up n down some brilliant days and some not so good When he's home in pj's with no pants on, he'll say I need a wee and pull his trousers down and wee Bare bum, we have absolutely no accidents My issue is that as soon as we leave the house with p...


Potty Training

When do you think is best to potty train your LO? (Or are their signs?)



Had health visitor out last week and I said to her that my 7 week old is dribbling a lot and always has his hands in his mouth. She said that he could be teething. When looking today it does look like his front two teeth are coming through. Has anyone else had this so young also what have you used to help them?


Advice with toddler trying to poo..

My nearly 3 year old has mastered the toilet for wee and now only has the odd accident but we are really struggling with the poo situation. I can tell when she needs it as she’s straining so we go to the toilet this happens about 4/5 times a day where it’s just tmi either wet farts or she’s not managed to go yet so...


Thumb sucking

Anyone else have a thumb sucker? My LG has sucked her thumb since about 4 months old. It doesn't really bother me but I do worry about her teeth in the future as I am not sure how to get her to stop eventually. She has never had a dummy either. Tia X 👍🏽


Potty, waiting until it's too late

If I put her on the potty ignoring her insisting she doesn't need to go we can get through the day with no accidents, if I let her tell me when she needs to go we can end up with 3 changes of clothes before lunch, she just won't stop what she's doing & go until she's already started weeing. That's normal right?


What is trained

My son's been waking up and instantly using his potty (I've placed one next to his bed) and has started taking it to the toilet and emptying it himself bless him. His overnight nappy is getting less full slowly. Are we heading into the overnight dryness stage? He only started the daytime potty training journey 2...


Unsolicited advice in public

Went to the chemist to get teething granules after a day of non stop crying (baby not me…) Was at the end of my tether, when this other customer with crazy eyebrows cornered me and told me my baby was too young to teeth and that I wasn’t burping her properly. Last thing I needed! I didn’t have the energy to tell he...


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