Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

How to treat addictions

What to do when a family member is addicted to many things (video games, alcohol,weed…) and it has been affecting the whole family? He is an adult so we can’t force him to go to rehab, then what can we do?


It’s easier to potty train the second child than it is to potty train the first.

My first daughter took over a year and a half to potty train. And a lot of it had to do with the fact her daycare wasn’t working with me on it. I’m staying home right now with both of my kids and it’s getting to that time again to start potty training my second daughter. I would like to get a solid start before the ...


Potty training

My little one has been potty training for 3 weeks now but he’s still having accidents as he’s not telling me he needs to use the potty. Should I keep powering through or take that as he’s not ready yet?


Potty to toilet

How long into potty training did your toddlers transition from potty to the toilet? Thanks


Potty training

Any of the baby momma struggling with potty training?


Potty training

Hello! My eldest daughter is 2 years 9months and we’re on week two of potty training. She done a poop and a wee on the potty once but she just stares at me and goes on the floor or in her knickers, I feel so lost some days it’s like we’re getting somewhere other days it’s like we’ve taken a jump back, feeling very...



My little man is getting his first tooth 🦷. Any tips on how to survive his grumpiness. Is anyone going through this at the moment?


Potty training

Has anyone started potty training and have any advice? Lo has started hiding to do poos and wanting to be changed quickly after so there is some awareness there


Potty training help mommas!!

My daughter is 4 and I am having a hard time potty training her at night. She loves drinking milk in the bed and I've cut that but she was sneaking in the bathroom and getting water from the sink, and the bathtub. I've started locking that door and put a small potty in her room. But she still has accidents. I'm just...



My daughter has been crying like this for hours, and I’m completely at a loss. I’ve fed her, changed her, given her toys and her binky, put on her favorite show, and even let her walk around—but nothing seems to calm her down. I’ve tried soothing her in every way I can think of. I wondered if it might be her teeth, ...


Socket protectors

Are we to use these? I read somewhere the other day that the NHS don’t recommend them and now I don’t know what I should be doing?!


Potty training

How do you know when it is time to start? what are some ques I should be looking for?



Any tips on getting my little one to stop holding her poo in. Its making her so miserable :( (and me tbh). Im giving lactulose, high fibre foods and ive tried prunes but she will use every oz of strength she has to hold it in. Weve been potty training nearly 2 weeks now and we have wees sorted down to a t, shes so g...


potty training and childminder

hi girls, we have spent the last two weeks potty training our 2.5 year old which has been going really well just need to work on her poos but we hardly have any accidents. she goes to the childminder on a Monday and Friday and has had 1 accident each session with them. their policy says if they have 2x accidents th...



Hi all. Has anyone registered their child with a dentist yet? I looked into signing my little up at the practice that I go to, but they said they don't take NHS patients and my little one would have to go private, which looks so expensive. Is this normal for all dentists or should I be able to find a practice that p...


Have you started potty training?

How do you know if your little one is ready? Mine has no issue with wearing a dirty nappy, she will occasionally say “done a poo” and will happily get changed if I asked her. She doesn’t hide away to poo. She won’t actually sit on her potty at all. I don’t think she is ready and tbh I’m maybe putting it off cos I do...


Potty training

How long did it take to potty train your almost 3 year old?


FTM Potty training

Not sure if i should start potty training my 16 month old. I have a potty chair sitting out where hes able to get to it. Anytime hes in the middle of eatting he will get up and go sit on the potty. He only goes poop. But when hes done he will get up and come over to me. Almost like hes telling me hes done going potty.



Is anyone else in the same boat as me? My LG still hasn’t got any teeth. I can see 2 bumps on her bottom gum but no sign that they’re surfacing yet 😂 I’m not worried, just want to know if it’s just me.



When are LOs supposed to go to the dentist?


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