Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

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does it happens with your toddlers?

my son will eat good amount of food some days and some days he wonā€™t eat anything except 2-3 bites and couple snacks.



What are the Best things to start weaning with at 4 months and best times to feed?


6 months old-starting foods

Hello! We are going to be starting foods. I donā€™t know why but I am feeling overwhelmed about it. I am wanting to start with purĆ©es and with vegetables. My question is how often should I feed my baby the purĆ©es and when can I switch to other foods? Any tips and advice is greatly appreciated


so scared of BLW

iā€™m struggling with blw because my LO enjoys it so much but it stresses me out loads, what are some ā€œminimal stressā€ foods for my babyšŸ˜‚ heā€™s 7 months!!


Picky eaters?

My baby has been eating tremendously well since she began eating at 5-6 months. She would eat anything we feed her. But since three days ago she has been very picky, selective.. sometimes would eat something really well, then the next day we would offer the same thing for lunch and refuse it. Itā€™s just super odd. I ...


No appietite

My LO at 10 months now and isnā€™t interested in eating actual food anymore heā€™ll have one spoon and thatā€™s itā€™s, Iā€™ve done BLW along side purĆ©es since 5 months. Anyone else going thru the same thing or have any advice?


Does anyone offer a snack?

A bit divided whether I should offer a snack. And if yes then when do you normally do it? The reason being is my girl is sooo hungry by 5.30pm that making it to 5.30pm so the whole family can eat together is a bit of a struggle for this last half an hour


Cluster feeding

Hey guys just looking for some confirmation, I think Iā€™m eating more than I usually do but my little one also seems to be feeding a lot more than usual , she usually goes at the least 2 hrs between feeds, but today sheā€™s fed 4 times in 2.5 hrs and idk why could it be the age sheā€™s at (13weeks) or is it just a change...


Just curious how your babies are doing with food?

Mine was born 8/12. Until three days ago I had only given him frozen mango for his teeth or frozen apple juice per his pediatrician as he is constipated every so often. I was not worried or in a major rush as his father and I work opposite schedules and I wanted to prepare his first foods for him also his last dr ap...


Is it bad to give my 9 month old (who isn't very interested in food yet despite me offering every day) the same foods I eat?

As in I don't purposely use less salt or seasonings. Obvs don't give honey or cow's milk uncooked


7.5 month old dinner

My little munchkin had salmon and broccoli tonight & is absolutely loving it. We do a mix of BLW and purĆ©es, but she prefers our food, so BLW it is šŸ˜…



Trying my 16 month old with rice (..again) to hopefully get her to like it. Advice on what to flavour with as i donā€™t just want to serve it plain


Hates touching foods

Hey mamas! I have an 8 month old who we originally started on purĆ©es and iā€™m now trying to transition to BLW. She is happily eating the food if iā€™m putting it to her mouth but will gag if the food touched her hands and will not move food from her plate to her mouth. Any ideas of how to fix this?


Meals for 16 month

Can anyone suggest meal ideas for 16 months please? Really struggling to get them to eat any type of meat and point blank refuses any type of pasta. Feel like weā€™re stuck in a rut of the same few meals on repeat


Picky eater

My son is 17 months and when it comes to getting him to eat food is impossible. I have done everything Iā€™ve made his food look fun, no matter what I do itā€™s just wasted. He drinks his fluids and heā€™s yogurt all day. Dinner is about the only time I can actually get him to eat because he is hungry. Is this a stage?


BLW help

So we've been weaning for the last 3 months now. Everything has been fine all the way through. Our LO didn't eat much at first and alot ended up on the floor. Recently she's been eating alot more and starting to finish what we put in front of her. We seem to now have the opposite problem to what we started with. S...


Dinner (7.5 months)

Cheesy chicken fritters, blackberries and cucumber.


Feeding problems.

Iā€™ve been feeding my baby one jar of a fruit or veg puree (alternates daily) a day. And now sheā€™s had a fully solid poop. Sheā€™s almost 7 months old. Should I continue the one a day or should I spread them out more. Also her 6oz bottles no longer seem to be enough for her. I even made her a total of 10oz and sheā€™s st...


My 10 months old Just don't want to eat

Hey, Do you guys also face this with your babies?? I have a 10 months old boy. He just doesn't wanna eat. I give him a variety of foods trying different types and textures. He still resists. He just gets the first 3 to 4 spoons (very little in quantity) and turns his head and never one more spoon. He ofcourse h...


Picky kid

I gave my toddler today some mac&cheese w broccoli for dinner and she ate everything but the veggies šŸ™„


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