Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
Hey Moms! I have a 4 month old, turning 5 next week. I’ve tried starting solids for him aka Oatmeal, however, when placed in a chair, his whole body leans forward. Does anyone else experience this issue?
We’re flying with our 17 month old this weekend and I’m not sure what food would be best to pack for him. Even thought it’s just a 2 hour flight, between airport transfers and having to get to the airport early we’ll be travelling right during dinner time and by the time we land and get to our accommodation it’ll ...
What is everyone routine for their 8 month old? Eg wake up, food, naps, bottles? Also I feel like I keep seeing 8 month old nearly always finishing their solids but most the time my little girl hardly eats anything, anyone else the same?
Banana and blueberry oat pancakes, squashed blueberries, berry yogurt and cashew nut butter. This was the first time letting him have the plate so I served up less at first then offered him more once he’d eaten it all. Normally I would hand him a loaded spoon and leave the pancakes for him to grab.
How old are little ones best to be to try prawns, calamari and other seafoods products?
Little one is 7 months and is loving solids. I have been giving solids for breakfast and then an hour or so later a bottle. Did try switching it to bottle then breakfast but she then has zero interest in her food. Am I ok to give solids then finish off later with a bottle?
2 boiled eggs Hass avocado less than half 5-8 drops of lemon or lime juice A very little pinch of Celtic sea salt ( does not have the best look but is delicious) I eat that for breakfast too.
We’ll be weaning soon, and I’m curious how I should start out. I know eat baby is different and will take to food at their own rate but I see some people doing the first week of weaning by just introducing a singular vegetable, but then others do something that more resembles an actual meal e.g avocado on toast and ...
My baby is 6 months and one week. Not sings that he’s going to be sitting up soon. What shall I do? I haven’t started solids
Since she has been poorly, all our little one has wanted is pouches. She will eat snacks like biscuits, fruit bars, crisps, toast etc but in terms of meals, she only wants pouches or the baby meals in a bowl/dish. I've tried numerous times with proper meals and she just refuses and screams and gets worked up that s...
Hi! Does any one else have experience with fully BF baby he is now 1 year old, however seems to ask for food a lot and even milk, sometimes I feel my milk isn’t filling him up enough, he doesn’t drink as much as he used to of course it’s for a shorter time but he has his meals and snacks and sometimes I worry it’s n...
How long does it take your baby to eat solids breakfast? Do you offer milk first or food first? I’m thinking as she approaches 12 months, I should offer food first.
I'm looking for ANY advice? Websites? Ideas? Strategies? My LO is a nightmare with food, he just isn't interested. We really have a battle every meal! We do try the whole when go back to it when you are hungry but like this morning he has had cereal, he can't go back to that on an hour's time 🤦 can anyone help me??
Breakfast ideas other than cereals for 14 month old please
My 7 months girl is have a hard time eating any food l give to her. She spits or just start crying .What else can l do?
My almost 3 year old yelled at me when I was asking her what she wanted for dinner, so my husband put her on a timeout which I was going to do anyway. He yelled at her and all that and sat her in the hallway for 15 minutes and told her to go to bed without dinner. I just don't think that's right but am I being soft?...
Anyone else’s baby just decided they don’t want food? My baby does good when it comes to food but recently she’s not interested in eating. She’ll have 4-5 bites and is over it. She does good with snack time but when it’s breakfast and dinner she’s recently not wanting to it after a few bites.
For people who started giving puree to their baby, do they sit up with minimal support??? Wondering if sitting up is a requirement to start
My Lo is 7 months she’s great at feeding herself I.e melty puffs , bits of toast , banana , avocado . But I gave her toast the first time and I can’t cope with the anxiety of BLW . She’s tried most veg and fruit ( pureed) Could someone give me examples of what I can give her preferably lumpy puree or just somethi...
Question how much should he be eating a day ? He was a good eater but since he turn 11 he’s been not wanting to eat much or just eats 4 spoons of his food and he’s done. Today I made him pasta only eat 4 spoons, I try giving him again he didn’t want so I try giving him kiwi and he eat it all. I’m so confused….. I t...