Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
I want to start weaning my LO and I was just wondering what everyone else starts with, I’m considering baby rice or baby porridge did anyone else start with these and what are your thoughts on this.
So I know if baby is having the same dinner as us, I’m not to put extra salt in but does this include stock cubes/pots too?
Has anyone given honey yet? I’ve run out of yoghurts for this evening after her dinner. I have Greek yoghurt so was thinking of adding a little to sweeten and some fruit. Baby girl turned 1 a couple of weeks ago
Just want opinions please as I have no one to ask about this stuff and feel like I’m very much winging it 🙉 My lo is 10months today. She has 3 bottles a day (6oz+6oz+7oz) and 3 meals a day. Does this look okay for her lunch? 3 mini cheddars, petits filous, tuna mayo finger sandwich, 4 small cucumber spears, one…
What age did you start puree food, hungry baby
I'm traveling on the train for the first time with my 9-month-old. Can anyone recommend something that can keep my baby's food Hot/warm during my trip
What are your toddlers having for lunch? Really struggling with ideas for lunch time
Anyone can share photos of the portion sizes their babies are having? Mine is really enjoying solids and hasn’t ever loved formula. He’s a small baby, but can eat loads now, I just don’t know what’s the right amount. Just to add, I obviously know that formula is still supposed to be the main food. He’s having enoug...
Hi, I am needing some advice in regards to my daughter’s meals, she’s six months old and currently has CMPA and I have been trying new foods I think she has a wheat and oat allergy too as she has the same reaction as milk. What meals can I make that are suitable for a six month old that are dairy, wheat and oat free...
Now my almost 1 year old is getting more hungry I’m struggling with snacks that he will eat apart from the shop bought ones (melts, wafers etc) - really wanting some more nutritious homemade snacks but he’s quite fussy, I made savoury muffins and flapjacks and he turned his nose up. He also hates whole fruit. Anybod...
How do you teach your kid how to use a knife and fork or spoon? Do I just give it to him and let him go wild? Tried a spoon a while back and it ended up getting dropped instantly wanting to reintroduce it
Sorry first time mum due in march. What age do they start to have normal food and come off formula?
My nearly 5 month old is really interested in my food I eat. I have given him a taste of baby rice to experience textures but quite keen to give him a nibble of my food (just like yoghurt and milk) but at the same time I’m worried he could have an allergic reaction. I’m doing an introduction to solid foods course in...
I need help with alternatives. Any suggestions? She reacted to something I gave her as soon as she started swallowing food and I've been scared to try dairy again since.
He only has a few bites of his breakfast, the same with lunch and dinner. He drank his milk before his nap and bed time as usual. He has done the same with his breakfast thsi morning. Has anyone else experienced this?
My one year old is refusing to try new foods barely eats solids cries for milk what are you guys doing
Boy mom here, not sure what I’m doing wrong but my boy will always have his silverware in his hand and use his other hand to eat with, when he was younger he ate with his baby silverware so I am lost lol
I've been mentally preparing for this meal for a week! 😃 I always wonder where y'alls kids are when you're making these elaborate meals that you post 🤔 ......mine was NAPPING! She tried to wake up too early (20 min cat naps are becoming a thing 🙄) but momma said no ma'am!! 🧏🏾♀️
My daughter eats EVERYTHING ! She literally does not get full yesterday before bed she threw up so bad and refused to eat . Today she only had oatmeal for breakfast juice and water for liquids not seven drinking her milk 😩 what’s going on
Tonight, I made my 3yo a nice, well-balanced dinner. The moment I placed it on the table in front of her, she explodes into a tantrum because she instead wants oatmeal. I try to get her to eat a little of the food, and I say she can have oatmeal when she eats a little of the food in front of her. More tears and yell...