Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

On the go snacks

What are snacks your toddler loves when out and about? Feel like we buy the same stuff on rotate.


Picky eater

My 2 yr son is very very picky eater and drink lots milk. So I cut off his milk right now for him to eat more food and try new foods. We have been following meals schedule and snacks in between not like before he eat little snacks all day long. He refuses to eat anything new, not even touch or trying . He keeps sayi...


Avoiding other allergens

Has anyone else been told by their drs to avoid other allergen foods at all ? We are starting to weaning and my dr has told me to avoid other allergen foods until I see the dietician (waiting for an appointment but could be up to 9 weeks wait) I just feel like it's making weaning so much harder having to avoid all a...


Food waste

I know my baby needs to learn and i’m fine with that. But the amount of food and time i’m wasting is ridiculous. She will not feed herself or even try to, just picks stuff up and throws it on the floor. I spend a long time cooking for her etc for it all to end up on the floor. I know this sounds like i’m a bad mum b...


Overfed baby 1st time trying purees and now I'm panicking-help!

I started weaning my baby on purees on Monday, it wasn't until Friday that I realised I'd been giving him too much. I thought I'd read that you give them solids with each milk feed, so I'd been giving him 5 servings, but on Friday I realised I should only be giving him the puree once a day and not 5 times a day! So ...


Veggies Galettes

My baby is 15 months :) It took me less than 10 mins in total to make and cook! - Courgette - Carrot - Spinach - Eggs - Tumeric - Curry - Quinoa Flour - Normal Flour - Emmental cheese


How to get toddler into veggies

I have a 3 year old who used to like veg but she’s become really picky about it! I hide them in food and when she realises she refuses to eat. Any ways I can make this more fun? Does anyone have any meal ideas with veg? Please TIA x


Food aversion

My 46 week old only wants formula from the bottle and neverrrr wants to eat ANY solid, puree, etc. should i take him to one of those food doctors that help with that?..


11mth old still refusing solids

Is anyone in this same situation, or has anyone been through that? I don’t know what else to do. My little one simply refuses solids the majority of time, sometimes she’ll entertain a bit of puréed fruit but it’s really hit and miss. I’m starting to get concerned because she’ll be one and Ive been told that solids ...



Might be a silly question but I've just prepared baby lunch for today. We have an event at 1pm. I've made pasta with home made sauce. How do I go about storing this / feeding baby this in 3-4 hours? I've also just made apple puree with cinnamon. They're both red hot. So do I need to leave them to cool and then st...


Do you always share food with your kids??

Both my boys(2.5 year old & just turned 1) both ate all their breakfasts. So after I did all my morning housework and tidied away their breakfast I fancied some cereal for myself and I don’t like eating infront of them without them having anything so I got them some veggie sticks which they were eating fine until th...



Anyone else feel defeated by blw? Or weaning in general! And all these TikTok babies that seem to eat a full plate for breakfast lunch and dinner using their own utensils at like 2 months old (exaggeration but you get what I mean) 🤣 The mess, the recipes they never eat, all the extra shopping.. just for them to…


Sensory play (4 months old)

I don’t know if this is going to sound like a really stupid question but can I do a sensory play with food for my 4 month old? Like cooked pasta? He puts things in his mouth a lot but we are so bored of the same things during his wake windows which are long and many as he very rarely naps during the day anymore 🙈


Doesn't want milk

Anyone else 7 month old gone of there milk he is jus drinking 500ml sometimes alot less I am worried he has 2 meals a day plus snacks but worries about him not getting what he needs


toddler not eating

is anyone else struggling to get their toddler to eat full meals? mine used to eat SO well and now he refuses food. i’m feeling hopeless 😔 just for reference i’m mostly talking about whole meals, this kid lives off of cheese and little snacks



Has anyone baby started picking up foods? My son doesn’t touch the food at all he will eat it but refuses to hold it


Any recommendations for homemade baby food for an 11 month old

I still make my son purée - my son eats fruits and sometimes the food that we eat too but doesn’t like to eat veggies unless it’s purée Any suggestions on what I can make him


Pumping mamas

How many ounces are your little ones eating and how often? I feel like my daughter is eating a lot even tho she’s only 4 days old.


Not eating

Lately I’ve been having issues with my son not wanting his lunch and dinner. He ends up just having a veggie/fruit pouch. It makes me upset. He eats breakfast really well but the rest of the day it’s been a challenge


Is it horrible that I use disposable dinnerware LMAO

I'm a SM with not endless amounts of spoons (energy) .. I'm so tired and I value quality time with my son and decided since my help left the country for a few weeks and I hate doing dishes that I'd get compostable dinnerware. Is it horribly unsophisticated?! I'm feeling like a loser mom


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