Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.


What is worse for a family?(obviously both )


Break up

Just needing to vent. So my BD and I have been together for almost 4 years. We have a 1 year old. During the relationship there has been a lot of fighting, cheating, screaming, name calling, pettiness, etc. I mostly take care of the house financially. I tried to work things out because he’s actually very involved wi...


Advice 😭

Okay so I’m just gonna start from the beginning so we don’t get lost.. so my fiancé and I got together when I was 18. He was 24. He wants a ton of babies. We already have our son and daughter on the way which they both were not planned, it’s okay. I love both of them soo much but I think I want my daughter to be t...


Should i put my 11 month old in daycare or let my mother watch him from hom?

Ok i will be starting back school March 18 for my CNA license . My son will be 1 yrs old march 2, 2024 I live in Illinois i also currently live with my mother Im on her lease but the co applicant and i also help pay rent because she has no income My school starts March 18 and then ends May 5th Ive been undecided o...


What would you do?

A friend of mine sends her boy to a childminder a couple of times a week. Today she got a call from the childminder to say her boy was bitten by the dog. Upon asking more it turned out childminder was not in the room and cannot tell her anything about the incident. Childminder did an accident form, saying I was upst...


Getting my pink back

Hi all I don’t know why I’m writing this really, I just want to know I’m not the only one. I have an 18 month old boy who I love to pieces. I’m adoring being his mummy, I feel really settled in that aspect. But other than that, I’ve lost all sense of myself. Not in the “I have no freedom anymore” way - I don’t care...


What should I do

Hi. I’m a first time mum to a 4 month old baby boy. My partner and I have been dating for just under 2 years. My partner and I moved into our flat the day before our baby was born. My partner starts work at 3/4am and is home for 10/11am. And I get that he has to work but when he comes home from work he will say hell...


Would you go use the gym? Please read

You had a baby almost 2 years ago. You have gained 65lbs from overeating and extreme depression (used to be 135lb HOT bottle girl/model in LA before getting preg)your mental health is hanging on by a thread. Constant thoughts of hating yourself. You’ve been single for 2 years, and don’t even think about dating bc of...


Childcare - Am I wrong?

I’m due to go back to work in September, I really need to get a nursery sorted asap! When discussing the finances with my partner he’s suggested the baby stays home with him 2 days a week (he works from home 2 days a week) then goes to his 3 sets of grandparents on the other 3 days. I only work until 3/4pm so this s...


Have you ever had an interview red flag? Did you ignore it or run while you could?

My last interview was to be an infant teacher in a brand new daycare. I really needed the job so I did just about anything to get hired and obviously took it as soon as they offered. Looking back after all the problems I had towards the end of my time there I probably should have ran before they offered the job. Whe...


Anyone have days where they just feel super down?

I also have a 2 year old at home. We've been completely obliterated with colds and illnesses this winter, coupled with the cold weather I spend most days in my pyjamas at home with my two. My husbands at work during the week and on the weekend he's studying for his Masters so I spend 99% of my time solo parenting. ...


Am I Nesting?

I am getting really stressed/upset - we are moving when i’m 38 weeks (currently 31) so as you can imagine packing stuff up etc… this means I can’t sort all babies clothes out, sort his nursery etc. My partner just keeps putting boxes and bags in babies room, so I can’t get into his things to sort it (for example hi...



Hey mamas, does anyone ever feel guilty about not being with your baby while at work ? I work every day 10-6 and my baby boy stays with his grandma all day till I pick him up which it’s a far drive so I get home around eight and then when I get home he usually goes down for bedtime and I feel horrible about not spen...


Leaving and divorce

I am a stay at home mom i am 27 i never really worked i have a wealthy husband but I never really saved anything…i dont have a dime to my name. But lately i just cant take it anymore he is too aggressive. I do have some valuable bags and jewelry I am not 100% for divorce. I dont have any family in the country. I am ...


Feeling like a failure.

My almost 9 mo little boy seems so grumpy all the time. I feel like he’s only happy around other people but so fussy for everything with me. Is there something I’m doing wrong or anything I can do to make it better?


Husband Lied

We’ve been together 6 years and this has never happened. I was sad this morning because he was making a sick coworker soup instead of helping with the kids when I was clearly struggling. Then we work it out and I say, “Just please don’t bring home whatever she has” because we’ve been sick a ton this winter. He says ...


Husband and Female Friends

Do you think it’s ok for a husband to have close female friends? Husband has past female coworker who he still regularly talks with on social media (like every day or every other day usually). I told him I don’t really feel comfortable with them texting frequently, so now instead he’s been talking to her on Facebook...


Baby blues

6 days post partum and the baby blues are INTENSE. I miss being pregnant and having him all to myself, feeling him move etc. I feel homesick in my own home and empty. I love my little boy more than life itself. But I’m so emotional and feel like it overwhelms me at points and I was so naive when thinking about thi...


RANT/opinions needed

Ugh i just need a vent session and some opinions/ advice from any moms out there. So, i have a 4 year old and a 11 month old. I used to be a stay at home mom but have now been working for about 6 months. Well, me and my partner (their father) both work but EVERY single morning i am the ONLY one who gets the kids rea...


Bad mom?!?!

I feel like the world worst mom. I’m a SAHM and my husband as been working so much all week he’s gone before we wake up and home long after the baby goes to sleep. He hasn’t seen the baby since Sunday and I only see him for an hour before we go to sleep. And I’ve been so overwhelmed this week I feel like I’ve dissoc...


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