Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Toxic MIL

So recently I posted something on my IG story agreeing with a post that said if someone doesn’t like me then they won’t be around my kids… so my MIL took that personally and DM’ed me saying “that goes for grown children too”… like I’m soooo confused, is she talking about me not being able to be with MY HUSBAND??!! O...


Do you also feel that your children wear down your bond with your spouse?

My husband works every weekday. He leaves shortly before the kids leave for school, and comes home after they've already come back. We can't have a conversation, or cuddle, or do anything together really, because the kids always interrupt or wedge themselves in the mix or otherwise disrupt anything we try to do toge...


Is my Door Dasher in the wrong for refusing to bring our food to the door?

We ordered from a local restaurant. Pretty quickly she picks up our order but then says it'll take 20-30min to deliver, we check the app and she's at a location much farther away than the location we chose. We made sure on the app that the restaurant we selected was the right one, it should've been 2.5 miles away bu...



Alright I love my daughter to bits but she has become very clingy lightly. To the point where if she sees me she cry’s or if I’m cooking she is standing there screaming for me to pick her up. It’s too much. How do I get her to mellow out a little on the clingy stuff. Do I just ignore her when she cry’s ? I know this...


Normal behavior?

My nanny has been sick so my mother helped out this week. We have a 2yr old boy with LOTS of energy but lately he has been throwing major tantrums. Today he woke up too early from his nap in a horrid mood screaming bloody murder. He continued screaming at the top of his lungs when my mom went to get him and asked ...


Hormones making me hate husband?

I’m on progynova, cuclogest and Lubion atm for a fet but lately my husband is really annoying me; I look at him and wonder what I’m doing.


For the single mums!!

How do you cope with cooking?? When i sit in the livingroom, she plays independently for hours if she wants to! She couldn't care less if i were there or not.. but once i start making dinner, she starts crying, screaming, throwing toys around and wants to be carried around. I tried to put her on the kitchen counter...


MIL advice

Let’s start with I suffer from anxiety. My LB is 5 and a half months. The first couple of months when LB arrived were tough and my MIL was amazing. She helped with baby etc. LB had really bad wind issues and silent reflux. When my confidence grew, changed bottles, got into our routine etc and found my stride so MI...


Discrimination against families with children-what can I do?

We live in an apartment building, in December I asked the landlord if we could renew the lease that ends in February and he said yes, last week the broker told us that the landlord doesn’t wanna renew the lease anymore after saying yes. Then I asked for another apartment (different landlord) available in the same f...


7 months and my baby has changed

I feel like my happy little baby has become a different child in the last few weeks. I understand he’s teething so has become particularly whiney but I just feel like he barely smiles, laughs and his eye contact has completely shifted. This sounds stupid but I feel like he hates me 😂 Dressing and changing him is a…


Celebrating 20 years together today 🥳

This man made me contemplate divorce after I became pregnant and thought about leaving more while having a baby who is now a toddler and then he goes and sends me a message like this 🥺 He literally drives me MAD! 😡 but he definitely knows how be sensitive too 💙


any advice

my daughter keeps lashing out all the time she keeps telling everyone to fucking shut up in class she’s hitting folk swearing and not listing to adults or her teacher when you ask her to do things she’s screams at you she doesn’t talk what can I do she’s 8



I really need some support from fellow moms. I am a first time mom and it gets overwhelming and hard sometimes. My baby's father doesn't make it any better. On top of that I've been trying to get a job to support us and to move out of my Aunt's house because I can't do anything that I want to do in her house as far ...


My house

What are your thoughts on telling kids things like “My house my rules, when you pay bills” “It’s my house, when you have your own some day” Comments along those lines.


has anyone found that it does get easier? so many people said it would but it hasn’t

if anything it has gotten harder. My patience have ran out. I have no village and only support from my other half, and as he runs his own business it feels like except from 5pm onwards i’m single parenting. I feel like having no sleep over so long has compounded making me feel so exhausted. The trying to cook them f...


New hoover..

Can anyone recommend a good hoover? I have a shark anti wrap one but it’s a nightmare to clean and I’ve had it 3 years and I feel like it’s just not as good as when I first bought it. I’d like one that’s easier to clean and the suction stays good as I feel like a shark stays good for no time at all and then it’s awf...


Guys am I silly or wrong ??

My son is 1 he started day care back in October so he was only enrolled for about 3 months within those 3 months my son constantly kept getting viruses at the day care he caught the flu twice strep throat twice , and a stomach bug that had our entire family ill we missed work due to this. I continued to take him to ...


What a time 😅

How you mama's doing? My little man is so ready to do things on his own. He wants to hold his own cup and silverware. Yesterday he tried putting his socks on *after taking them off* he got upset that he couldn't get it on. I put it on and hes upset 🥴 he takes it off, and is trying to put it on DUDE! LOL I'm…


Grandparents kissing baby

So before I had my baby and after he arrived I have made it abundantly clear I do not want anyone kissing my baby apart from me and my partner, and even we don't kiss his mouth. I said no kisses at all until at least after his first lot of jabs. He had his 8 week jabs and I said okay, top of head is okay but still n...


How to not hate it

Anyone else struggling to enjoy motherhood? My LO is 1.4 and of course I absolutely adore her and I believe I am doing a great job, but I feel like I’m not enjoying it. It’s been rocky - on/off relationship with BD, living in a foreign country so no village and I work a lot. I work with children so I often feel li...


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