Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
Hi mums. Please I hope this is an ok subject to post. I have a 4 year old boy and since he wa about 2 he has always loved colour pink and whenever we been shopping he’s always loved looking at dresses anything sparkly. He loved makeup and doing nails. He loves Disney princess and dressing up like them. I’m not with...
Does anyone else’s baby not really show any affection? My LB is coming 10 months next week and since about 7 months or so he never wants to cuddle. If he’s tired he will put his head into me for literally 2 seconds and it’s as if he catches himself on and moves again. He also might sink into me after his bedtime bot...
I'm just curious to see other momma opinions, I'm think in a time nowadays, I get being inclusive and letting kids explore their identity/personality as they grow; but does anyone else have boundaries when it comes to raising young men. Dealing with my man, who I got blessed to be with coming from a toxic relationsh...
So, I'm incredibly excited that I'm pregnant with our second (just over 5 weeks) but my days I'm already finding pregnancy mich harder this time round. I have a 2 year old and a very busy job. Although the job is work from home it is chaotically busy and I've been finding it really stressful, especially with the fat...
So, my man asked if I was okay with his friend coming into town and staying with us. I told him no, now’s not a good time. January was rough, and I’m still feeling it—mentally, emotionally, all of it. Fast forward, his friend is still coming into town (just *not* staying with us), and now my man is mad at me beca...
I come home with our toddler from soft play with a little bit of an attitude because the house looked exactly how we left it. With him wfh and being done by 1pm, I come home and the dishes weren’t done and the floor with crap on it completely ignored. I come home to him playing video games. It pissed me off because ...
NO JUDGMENT!!!! I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and anxiety and more due to me finding out my partner cheated on me. I also found out the apartment we were moving into where he works he’s being kissing and doing more to his boss. She’s knows who I am and once day I was waiting for him to get off before...
Hi! So my 19 month old has been in child care since she was 10 months old. She joined the infant room and moved up to the toddler room in November. There was a head bump at the centre when she was trying to walk. But in the past month she’s had 2 more serious accidents; finger got stuck in the door and today she tri...
I know I’m probs not alone, but my toddler 2.5 year old son just won’t listen to me ever I ask him pack away no eat no stop throwing toys no show me mark on his leg no everything is no I have tried not responding I have tried getting down talking explain tried taking toys away tried growling time out go to room(ther...
I am going to be 41 my husband is 42 and we have a 12month old. I really want one more. I always dreamed of a big family. I grew up an only child and I hated it. I was always jealous of my friends and cousins that were siblings and I wish I had that. I did feel lonely. Now that I’m older I don’t feel lonely anymore....
So I love my kids, I struggle with connection even with them being 5 yrs old and 3 yrs old. I know I love them but I'm honest that I don't feel the love the way other moms do, or even the way my husband does. The thing is now I'm going through a very big internal crisis, I'm deeply starting to regret all the things ...
I’m pregnant with my third and my five year old daughter keeps asking how the baby got in there. She’s really smart and sensitive so I want to make sure I am honest with her but in an age appropriate way. I have no idea how to approach this. Any advice?
So recently I posted something on my IG story agreeing with a post that said if someone doesn’t like me then they won’t be around my kids… so my MIL took that personally and DM’ed me saying “that goes for grown children too”… like I’m soooo confused, is she talking about me not being able to be with MY HUSBAND??!! O...
My husband works every weekday. He leaves shortly before the kids leave for school, and comes home after they've already come back. We can't have a conversation, or cuddle, or do anything together really, because the kids always interrupt or wedge themselves in the mix or otherwise disrupt anything we try to do toge...
We ordered from a local restaurant. Pretty quickly she picks up our order but then says it'll take 20-30min to deliver, we check the app and she's at a location much farther away than the location we chose. We made sure on the app that the restaurant we selected was the right one, it should've been 2.5 miles away bu...
Alright I love my daughter to bits but she has become very clingy lightly. To the point where if she sees me she cry’s or if I’m cooking she is standing there screaming for me to pick her up. It’s too much. How do I get her to mellow out a little on the clingy stuff. Do I just ignore her when she cry’s ? I know this...
My nanny has been sick so my mother helped out this week. We have a 2yr old boy with LOTS of energy but lately he has been throwing major tantrums. Today he woke up too early from his nap in a horrid mood screaming bloody murder. He continued screaming at the top of his lungs when my mom went to get him and asked ...
I’m on progynova, cuclogest and Lubion atm for a fet but lately my husband is really annoying me; I look at him and wonder what I’m doing.
How do you cope with cooking?? When i sit in the livingroom, she plays independently for hours if she wants to! She couldn't care less if i were there or not.. but once i start making dinner, she starts crying, screaming, throwing toys around and wants to be carried around. I tried to put her on the kitchen counter...
Let’s start with I suffer from anxiety. My LB is 5 and a half months. The first couple of months when LB arrived were tough and my MIL was amazing. She helped with baby etc. LB had really bad wind issues and silent reflux. When my confidence grew, changed bottles, got into our routine etc and found my stride so MI...