Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
Has anyone used one? Would you recommend? Struggling with round ligament pain and seem to be giving myself stitches form walking too fast 😅 just wondering if they might help with this. The BabyGo ones seem to get good reviews. Is 20 weeks too soon to be using one?!
I’ve bought oilatum to use in my daughter’s bath, she’s 6 months, should I use bath her and use daily, or better to do every other day?
Anyone else having to fight their GP for CMPA formula (to trial as suggested by my HV). My first had it and I think I have been “blessed” with my second having it too. He has the same symptoms and even more (my first never had the rash but my second is covered in it). First I was told “oh he’s just trying to poop” ...
At what age do you start to use a play mat and they being more interactive with it?
My little man regularly slips on our hard wood floor when cruising around in his grippy socks. We have play mats/rugs where possible but it's not practical everywhere. We try to leave his feet bare sometimes but we live in a very old building and they get cold quick. Wondering if some soft sole shoes would improve ...
For those who have no bath tubs, what are you using to bathe your baby? We currently use a baby bath tub and do bath time on our kitchen island. But I know he’s growing fast (6 months now) and we might need to try something else soon. Links would be helpful for products. Thanks for your suggestions!
Little boy is 6months old on Aptamil. Every night he’s so uncomfortable with what I think is trapped wind? He farts but still easing his legs etc can’t keep still just really uncomfortable and can’t sleep. I’ve given Dentinox gripe water infacol but it doesn’t help? He’s fine in the day. Can anyone advise please? Do...
My little girl suffers really bad with her belly she’s constantly waking in the night crying when she’s farting. Last night she was screaming/crying for nearly 2 hours and nothing we did would settle her. We’ve tried tummy massages/warm bath/bicycle kicks. Would infacol help? Or is it something more than that
Calpol before or after 8 week vaccinations?
does anyone elses kid freak out when water touches their face? like im talking about a water droplet could run down their cheek and they would freak out? Baths are so hard because when I go to rinse out her hair it either takes very long because i have to use a washcloth or i have to say f it and dump water on her h...
I’ve started juicing in the mornings on an empty stomach (ginger, celery, lemon & apple) & noticed I’m having 2-3 bowel movements a day rather than just 1. Assuming this is apart of the cleanse. I’m only having half a cup each morning so far (and yes I am aware of the fibre/sugar sitcho). Is this normal though? I’m ...
Why do people spend a ton of money on drug store pregnancy tests when the dollar tree tests are just as effective? I understand if there isn’t a dollar tree in your area but do people not know that they’re equally as effective? If people don’t know this I feel we should spread the word, save us girlies some cash!
My 1 week old throws up after feeds, not a lot. Just a little bit here and there. I’ve read conflicting things online that it’s relatively normal and could be a little bit of reflux (which wouldn’t surprise me as I have suffered with reflux my whole life) and the baby could just grow out of it. He’s producing wet an...
please tell me your guyses opinions on them! I’m debating on getting my daughters done or not and she gets them next month
We've just started solids over the weekend (six months) and currently baba is struggling We're giving him water whenever he's eating but it's really very minimal because he spits most of it out Anyone any tricks hate to see the wee man in pain 😓 He's ebf and pre weaning he's maybe only going every 3-4 days
My daughter 2.5 years old Developed sleep apnea and snores like an 80 year old man. She due for surgery in 5 weeks I'm worried about the surgery anyone else been through this and can give me any advise? How to mentally prepare her. How to support her after surgery. What to expect.
Anyone else? We are EBF. Baby happily spits up all day long. She's growing and gaining. It's just annoying 😅 anyone else?
My little one poops so much. He’s on his 6th poop today. They all seem normal but everyday it’s just so many poops. They are harder constancy don’t seem to bother him while he goes. Normal in color. Poop number 6 today was a little softer. Has a rash. Not sure what the normal amount is that they should go to the ...
We've been using the shnuggle baby bath as we do not have a bath, we have a walk-in shower. baby has started to nearly outgrow this now so wondering what everyone else is using if in a similar situation? Should we move on to using a bath seat and a non slip mat for the shower? X
Anyone had this? Im soo not used to this anymore! Normally 2-3 per day… Had a few leaks and outfit changes as well ☠️